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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Got this table Milli for sale. Bought during new shipment last Thursday. See already very sian, asking for $30. Top view Front view
  2. Ah.... now that strikes a bell... it's the Ssangyong booth... no wonder both korean lol...
  3. nevermind la.. I go get my info elsewhere..... wow you force me to go cheong LS with you lol.
  4. don't worry I said 3 months no buying at LFS, only wanna know what's the goodies ma.
  5. so troublesome, just pour hot water into your reef Instant result!
  6. take rojak juice and throw into tank then become rojak water liao.
  7. mix here mix there end up rojak reef like mine
  8. Your water already from fiji so it's just a matter of time the reef also become like fiji. Why dun you make all your LS fiji ones then special tank already.
  9. your tank got lots of space for them, don't worry
  10. monti garden coming soon.... must be most impressive
  11. what's the size of those sohal? Seems like sohal season recently....
  12. you looking for one? Wow so many small brown tang... poor thing.
  13. PM10 is measurement of dust particles in the air. Later too high reading all the lungs choke
  14. What you expect from the fish that has nothing to do everyday except to swim ard, look up and wait for food the drop into the tank
  15. Maybe memory fails.... very chio right ha ha ha.
  16. Have this small green bubble tip anemone for sale. Asking for a token sum of $5. Priority given to those that can do collection this evening at Haig Road
  17. opps, I see wrongly... it's 6 not 5.... If fight breaks out dunno who will be the champion. Maybe so many of them they also confused dunno who's who
  18. Was pretty bad on PIE... the haze is back! PSI index gonna shoot sky high !
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