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Everything posted by weileong

  1. I'll say orange tips if you dose AAHC. mine is under BLV10kk.
  2. try this. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=37909 Please practise strict quarantine for all new LS to prevent introduction of ich into your system.
  3. Stanley, I dunno, because just started to dose this evening. The C-V no effects at all most probably due to my acros still need to train to start feedings. Andy, I placed it abt 1ft from water surface. My MH are 1.5ft above water surface.
  4. 30days still insufficient, you need 8 weeks = 8 * 7 = 56days. I supposed the skunk is clownfish? In this case your main tank is not fishless and you will not break the life cycle of the parasite. Those white "insects" are most probably pods.
  5. Tonight, dose two new zeovit products so posting the before results first. All photos are before dosing the two products this evening. All photos comes straight from the camera, only crop, resized and levels adjustments as some images are too dim.
  6. When the main lights come on, the pH will slowly climb up as carbonate in the tank is used up by the corals at higher rate. When my CR kicks in this causes the pH to slowly reduce as CO2 is added to the tank. The pH in the main tank will not stay constant and will fluctuate, what else you need to know? A little difficult to explain, we can do better talking thru the phone
  7. pls confirm that the DART has no cooling fan. If there's no cooling fan then I guess the noise level should be much lower.
  8. Wow madmac..... really gotta refresh my memory, if that serves me well I think I was referring the pH trend vs how the CR was tuned/operated. CR uses CO2 to dissolve the media and the pH in the main tank will be lowered by 0.1 to 0.2 which cannot be avoided. During the lights off period the pH would be at it's lowest point and the pH could be raised by dosing kalkwasser. However kalkwasser prepreciate PO4 which would then get bin in your system and released out later. The other way to deal with the lowered pH is to run the CR 2-4hrs after the main lights turns on and run the CR not longer than 10-12hrs/day. With this the pH will trend higher than running the CR 24/7. You should not worry abt the pH in your main tank too much as long as you can keep the parameters stable. The kH that you run your reef tank will also affect the range of pH fluctuation, the higher the kH the smaller the fluctuation.
  9. I was setting up my tank and those worms are removed from the LR. The prawns are meant to kick start the nitrogen cycle.
  10. I think Ocean Planet still have some stock, call them to check 62946056.
  11. better to use it with a Mg Test kit. Don't dose w/o knowing the actual Mg levels in your reef.
  12. For most cases they can be attributed to the use of supplement lighting. and in some the photo are enhanced.
  13. 싸우지 않는다 싸우지 말라
  14. The tort blue till hard to believe right? wow.... one day must lay my hands on one!
  15. yeeee.... this is mine from abt 2 yrs ago.
  16. Young cats can jump very well one, those walls are not a problem for them.
  17. If like that then you go talk to your neighbour. Tell them to settle else you get "pest" control to settle for you. I am sure they will know you're serious about it and will do something about it.
  18. next to impossible to have totally silent reef tank, so it depends on your tolerance level. Try the Red dragon. The rest of the pump all have fan running so those are the sources of noise.
  19. Can't you place the MX-100 concealed in your cabinet? That should silent the noise.
  20. baseball bat if you cause injury to the kitty then you get into trouble. You know pet lovers loves they pet a lot. Oh btw, does it come to your place to do big job or small job? Another way is when you see the cat come in, pour cold water onto it
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