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Everything posted by weileong

  1. UPS installed. No need to panic anymore during power failure When no power failure you won't even think of the UPS but when power failure occurs you'll regret why you didn't think about it. Now driving my tunze stream 6100. Might consider getting a 6060 or 6080 so the backup time can be longer. Will test the run time one of these days. Still charging as I got brand new gel. The 6100 draws 45w and it didn't even load the UPS sufficiently to show a bar
  2. looks like he is not from HK
  3. Boss your tank also *Salivate* Got chance to spare some tiny frags or not
  4. Here's what I tried. One of the PBT kanna ich till quite terlok like almost going. I black out the tank for 4 solid days and I meant really black out till totally no lights. On the 5th day it has just a few dots left on it's body. Maybe the lighting can stress it??
  5. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...pic=18555&st=15
  6. dragon 12000 12500 l/h at 115W after 2m head lost still 8000 l/h max head 4m OR 6500 6500 l/h at 115W max head 3.8m, I can't find a flow chart but that gives ard 4000 l/h after 2m if we do an estimation. Get the 6500 l/h dragon and only draws 65W Go for iwaki or resun cheaper for your pocket initally
  7. check out the dragon, even more efficient
  8. Seems like my tang don't pick up food that's left on the bottom. Bare bottom means totally no sand. Only, LR, fish and water Yes these are my tangs.
  9. Need one or two small fish to pick up those food that sink to the bottom of my FOWLR. My FOWLR is bare bottom. Any suggestion?
  10. Your PL looks yellow due to your whitevbalance
  11. even no color also nevermind can do the job can already
  12. controller do not need to be powered. You need a 2 pin plug for each stream. For TS24 means 2x6100 with 7094 multicontroller.
  13. Don't worry it's just a matter of time
  14. 6080 is 8000 l/h non-controllable 6000 is 7000 l/h controllable You do not need the multi or single controller to control the speed of the controllable tunze stream. There is a screw at the driver box where you can tune the flow down to 30%.
  15. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...=0entry218718
  16. bro Alfa have the following: Blue Tang Chevron Tang Kole Tang Sailfin Tang Achiles Tang (pending recovery from ICH to make it a perm member) and he is considering: Atlantic Blue Tang
  17. I am thinking of getting this. http://www.exeltech.com/ex_root/ex_product...x_xp_series.htm I already have 2x 115Ah deep cycle batteries (they cost $150 each locally) and a 20amps three stage charger. With this I'll be able to run one of my 6100 tunze for many many hrs during a power failure
  18. There you go. Someone could help to mass prepare then we all share the cost RECIPE FOR A NUTRITIOUS DIET Shrimp 500g Squid 100g A combination of : Clam / Scallop / Oyster / Mussel 200g Silver Fish 50g Fish Roe 60g Nori seaweed - re-hydrated weight 50g Cyclopeze - frozen 20g Garlic Juice 80ml Pellet Fish Food - eg Spectrum etc 20g Multi Vitamin 1 tbsp Fish Oil - EPA/DHA 1 tbsp All seafood items may be purchased FRESH or frozen PRE- PREPARATION De-shell prawn For live clams, wash shellfish clean under tap water then place them in a container filled with seawater. Aerate with airline or power head. Purge the shellfish in this manner for 4 hours. Change water in between. PREPARATION Remove meat from shellfish Drain off excess water from oyster Cut up squid into small cubes Soak Nori in a bowl of lukewarm water METHOD First blend nori and squid. When nori and squid are adequately minced, place in the rest and blend to a paste. The correct consistency should be one where both bigger and finer sizes suit the type of fish you keep. Place paste in zipbloc bags and freeze
  19. I've to go dig out that long list liao... dunno where I place it! I think it's somewhere in my 2ft cube thread
  20. Bro Alfa, you're the champion... guess I better setup a webcam to monitor it liao so I can see it from my office
  21. The first thing I wake up in the morning is go check if the AT is still kicking. Same thing when I first reach home and before I go to bed
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