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Everything posted by weileong

  1. 2x25mm <> 50mm. 25mm has only 1/4 the area of 50mm so you need 4x25mm to get the same size as 50mm
  2. Quickly call and get the chiller guy to settle the problem. Sell something that can catch fire quite serious man. I hope he has not gone to hide in the mountains liao.
  3. The acro RTNed? Tissues flying in your tank? Perhaps you want to list all your parameters.
  4. 25mm green ehiem hose vs 40mm flexible hose. Now can you see the difference in size? Also 16mm outlet on the oceanfree on the left and DIN40 outlet of the RD. BTW RD 12.5m3 base is slight lesser than 5" wide.
  5. The view can be deceiving from the photo No way 25mm could have supported our type of flow.
  6. 25mm overflow confirm + chop cannot take your proposed flow Maybe throw a powerhead into your overflow box to pump the water out
  7. My overflow pipe is 40mm. total flow thru the pipe is ard 8000+2500+1000 = 11500 l/h, still got spare capacity.
  8. That is for overflow in general. But for pump you have a higher pressure. If what you said is true that means those Iwaki MD55, MX70, MX100 etc are very inefficient already as they have much higher flow than 3000l/h
  9. That is why for my bulkhead I oversized it Supposed to be D40 but I used SCH80 40mm so it is one size larger. So I keep my water level lower and still dun have the problem of pump ###### in water. In fact all my bulkheads are oversized to avoid lost of flow and possible micro bubbles from the pump. Don't overlook the back flow from the tank after you switch off the pump as that could be quite a significant volume of water.
  10. You'll need an elbow at the inlet so it won't suck in air
  11. I scared you'll be disappointed. Water flows very fast especially with these type of flow rate so the micro bubbles have no chance to float up to the surface
  12. You might like to plan the layout of your skimmer properly then add another set of baffles to kill the bubbles after the skimmer return. Same goes for the overflow outlet too since the flow rate is very high and you have a small sump.
  13. The compartment holding the RD sump has a baffle with 5" high only, this is too low and the RD will suck in air for sure even if a elbow is used at inlet. The center of the inlet pipe the RD is 123mm dia DIN 40 Top of the outlet pipe is 225mm Length of RD from end of inlet pipe is 210mm. If I were you, I wait till I get all my skimmer and pumps before I finalise and confirm the design of the sump to avoid unnecessary mistakes. Another issue you might like to take note, depending on the size of your overflow box, the water level in your main tank is going to raise after you pump in that type of high flow and as a result you might need more reservoir for the back flow in case of power failure.
  14. Since when the "ultra" word was used? lol only big maxima.
  15. dK at 8 is perfectly normal. Try increasing the aeration and that should help with the pH swing. My dk at ard 8 and my pH varies between 8.2x to 8.0x in a 24 hrs period. Your CR might be dumping in too much CO2 too. The other possiblity is that you are using a test kit for the pH which shows in inaccurate readings.
  16. Done by Ian. It's not cheap but certainly worksmanship is good, very professional and advise is certainly much more sound than "someone" else
  17. Ocean free is branded under Qian Hu.
  18. Don't bother to try catch it. When you see it then approach from their blind spot then spear it to death
  19. MY sump in action. Sorry for the messy stuffs... photo taken just after 12 hrs of hardwork changing my sump. Thru the night (that night of major power failure). Skimmer is external and draws water from 1st compartment where the overflow pipe located. Skimmer returns water to 2nd compartment so that the skimmed and pre-skimmed water do not mix so skimmer runs at maximium efficiency. The 1st and 2nd compartment also have 45 degs plate to deflect the bubbles upwards. 3rd compartment has two baffles to force the bubbles to float up. This compartment is long and allows more time for the bubbles to flow up. Dimension is 3x1.5x1.5ft. 1st and 2nd compartment total ard 1".
  20. Here's my sump I made the mistake of too much water level drop so some sponge kills all the bubbles Another non-conventional way to reduce to bubble coming down from your overflow is to use a dunso. Then you play with the ball valve and air valve setting to reduce the air that is suck in from the dunso. However for your case if your skimmer (actually I think I know which one you're going for ) outputs too much micro bubbles then you will still get bubbles in your tank. Like what I mentioned earlier. Have more sets of properly designed baffles should help.
  21. Wow red dragon user Okie with such a high flow rate you are definately going to see micro bubbles. This is especially true for your sump design when there is no baffle. Even with baffle you might still need to resort to sponge to kill the bubbles. Here's what I would do. Have a same water level throughout the sump. Then have 5 sets of baffle to kill the bubbles. My sump turn over is ard 8000+2500+1000 = 12500 l/h and w/o sponge confirm my main tank full of micro bubbbles. I would suggest that you have your refigium outside the sump, if not your high flow rate will blow those macro algae away. Finally which skimmer are you going for?
  22. The trick to fat fish is to feed little each time but many times a day. If you have no time then train your fish to take pellets then feed via auto feeder.
  23. 3-4" type but the tear drop not nice. Go for the super sized one
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