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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Wait till when you need to clean it. *yucks*
  2. body can rest. mind can rest. best of all pocket can finally rest
  3. that's provided your live to "enjoy" that "love bite" or "vampire bite" or whatever you call it
  4. What brands of pellets? Achilles are known to be super fussy.... Wow in this case it will be pui pui very soon
  5. How long has it started on pellets?
  6. okie okie will stop the OTT and keep the thread clean while I pray for the sohal and ATs + snails.
  7. oh dear please help save more sohal tangs
  8. All the more reasons not to post what we have
  9. I believe EAN has a 2nd hand one for sale. Bargain Corner - EAN
  10. leash cat I did before but rabbit and squirrels? OMG
  11. Looking at this do you think the skimmate got pushed out? Anyway too much air will give bigger bubbles and reduce the efficiency of the beckett. It'll give raise to too much burping and the foaming won't be stable. You can reduce the air intake to get smaller bubbles. You want wetter skimmate then run the water level higher and if you want dry skimmate then run the water level lower. Your skimmer's neck seems a little short so probably end up the water level has to be well below the neck. In this case won't the skimmate end up get stuck at the reducing part?
  12. look like too much air and too low water level. Must reduce the air intake and raise water level ah.
  13. my 2ft cube already 10mm Actually wanted 12mm to be on the very safe side. The price for a new tank is not that much. Oh yes take care of the tank support too make sure it can hold the tank properly as later on when your tank is matured and you need to replace the tank means you need to tear the whole tank apart again. IMHO it is better to get everything right once and for all so you can enjoy the fruit of your labour rather than having to start all over again.
  14. Yeap like Bro Alfa said. MH, return pump (assuming chiller return back to main tank), skimmer, CR all can fail but not the chiller or chiller pump Best is to get a backup (I want but pocket won't allow) I know the importance and I almost kanna because my resun MD40 running my chiller up lorry on one monday but the lucky thing is I am still asleep and the damn thing got burned and tripped my house ELCB so I had time to make corrective action. If that happens 2 hrs later when I am way to work, then still okie because my UPS would have kicked in and my tunze will still be running but sooner or later the temp will raise and all my SPS will up lorry
  15. For chiller you better get the most reliable pump Chiller fail or chiller pump fail when no one is around is as good as saying bye bye to most of your LS
  16. You know what... that day I went to my friend's place.. saw his koi pond and wow then I start to think of my tangs... all fat stomach as seen from the top heheheh. But from the top view does it look similar to a fat koi ?
  17. Bro, no one asked you to run MX100 ma. You can still use MX55 only 130W which works out to be $14.9/month.
  18. If the fish is healthy and stress free then just regular feeding with good food will get them fat fat, no need to pump like there is no tomorrow
  19. Now in it's temp home for the next 8 weeks, my quarantine tub
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