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Everything posted by weileong

  1. I went there a few times but somehow missed the this piece, a real beauty especially 1 week after shipment. I like it very much
  2. You ever heard of pple complaining dailea/artica cannot cool down their tank? The commerical version is a little noisy but cooling power is superb.
  3. Asking for $40, about 6" long and 3" wide. Been in my tank for abt 5months. Selling to clear space for some new colony. Photographed a few moments ago. Self-collect in Haig Road. Priority given to person that can collect tonight as I have no good place to hold it.
  4. On artica website. http://www.jbjlighting.com
  5. They recommend 480 - 1320 l/h so you can get a pump of around 1500 l/h should do the trick.
  6. what chiler are you using and what's the recommended flow rate for the chiller?
  7. And this table too.... now have to wait for them to color up.
  8. Went "brown" acro shopping this afternoon and found this pc.... highly recommend by the boss. The actual view is nicer compared to the photograph
  9. This pc is reserved by a buddy. Collection on Sat.
  10. weileong

    DIY spear gun

    Poor goby and whitecheek
  11. Here's some old photos from May. They have grown larger since then
  12. Releasing two green SPS colony. Both from LCK110. Bought them in March/April this year as brown out old stock, got them for $40 each so now selling at a lost. Asking for $30 each. Running out of space so they need to go. These are stable colonies and good for beginners who wants to venture into SPS yet don't want to take the risk of buying wild colony from new shipments Size around 4" Photos will be avaliable this evening.
  13. Suggest you to keep your sg at the current 1.008. Unless your floating glass hydrometer is very inaccurate. Wait a few days, the ich should be gone if not then maybe you need to double confirm your sg again. Don't drop the sg too low as it'll affect the health of the fish. 27degs or rather room temp would be good enuff.
  14. wow you tried 4 PBT? Why don't you get your LS from another LFS or farm like Coral Farm? Cost a bit more but maybe the chances of success is higher. Best ot get the tangs that is already feeding on pellets and that will make your life easier later on. Don't dip tangs in copper as the copper might kill the bacterials in the intestine of the tangs and this leads to complications later on. Actually by leaving your tank fishless for 6 weeks will remove the parasites. No need those medication.
  15. Even adding some anthias will stress the AT and cause ich outbreak... happened to my tank Heng the AT pulled thru.
  16. one month is certainly too short for hyposalinity treatment. I think 6-8 weeks would be better as they parasites would have gone thru 2 life cycles by then. You lost your 2nd PBT to ich? In this case the PBT could already be carrying the ich parasite but not showing it. I supposed you did not quarantine the PBT and introduced it directly into the tank? The stress in shipping would have cause a ich outbreak. IMO having ich free does not meant 100% success rate too. How the fish is caught etc would also determine the success rate.
  17. Bro... no problem... when mine grow bigger I will share a frag with you
  18. Your tank so big sure no problem one Don't worry later my monk go into your tank will be more fun liao.
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