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Everything posted by weileong

  1. I also find it strange cos Deltec website listed as 38W for each needlewheel pump. Yet what I measured for the aquabee 2000/i feedpump rated at 38w I got 0.15amps which works out to be abt 38W. Whereas for the 1260 needlewheel pump it measures to be drawing 0.3amps which works out to be 72W. We assume power factor around 0.9 to 0.95 for these type of pump so the ehiem stick is correct at 65W. Let's wait for deltec's reply cos clamp meter doesn't lie abt the current drawn.
  2. Here's my poor man's deltec AP850 currently serving my 2ft cube. Model: AP850 Heavy Stocking 1000 Ltrs (222gals) Normal Stocking 1500 Ltrs (333 gals) Power consumption: Aquabee 2000/i feedpump : 38W 1260 needlewheel : 65W Total: 103W. Sign..... next time bigger time sure must go with bubble king.
  3. Actually I just measured the power consumption of my MX70 driving my beckett and the 1260 needlewheel and aquabee feed pump in my deltec AP850 (the next smaller skimmer compared to Alfa's AP902 using two 1260 needlewheel. The MX70 draws about 170W. The 1260 needlewheel draws abt 72W each so for the case of AP902 running 2 needlewheel then it draws ard 2*72W = 144W. The feed pump for AP902 is 1262 and that is rated for 80W and that's a total of 224W which is more than what the beckett draws. The clamp meter maybe not 100% accurate so we just take what is printed on the label and that should be 65W for each needlewheel and that is 2*65 = 130W for 2x1260 needlewheel and 80W for 1262 feedpump so total of 210W which is still higher than the MX70 driving the beckett. I think the main difference here is the noise you get from the MX70 The deltec is so much quieter *phew*
  4. Depending on the actual flow. At the same height pressure MX100 delivers more flow but at a higher consumption as you can see from the graph posted by Roidan. At 0 head pressure MX-100 is more efficient than MX70 but this situation never occur for our usage. I just measured my 2x250W MH, draws 6 amps... must be low power factor cheapo ballast. Don't know if change to E-ballast will help or not kelvin1976 here's some url for you to read regarding power factor. http://www.ambercaps.com/lighting/power_fa...on_concepts.htm
  5. Roidan got no MX70, in my beckett the MX70 draws around 170watts.
  6. I also tong my Artica 1/2 hp commerical chiller, draws 2A Can drop 0.8 degs in my reef tank where other chillerrs I tried runs the whole day
  7. Just tong my deltec skimmer. Total amps drawn 0.45A = 108W Aquabee 2000/i feed pump 0.13A = 31.2W Ehiem 1260 needlewheel 0.3A = 72W Total = 103.2 W
  8. What's the size of your tubing? and how long is the inlet tubing and how many elbows? When pump just fired up there will be some small bubbles assuming the inlet piping is done properly.
  9. Another shot.. can see the shimmering effects of the MH.
  10. Close in of my walt smith table acro. Sorry for the low quality photo, no money buy macro lens
  11. Here's my Deltec AP850. Main chamber size is 8" and total height is 32" The base to the yellow line is 550mm so the volume is abt 17.83 litres. The feed pump supplied by deltec is aquabee 2000/i drawing 38w. Recirculation pump is 65w (modified ehiem 1260). Total current drawn is 103w. using 103W to work on 17.83 litres of water gets me 5.77 watts/litre If I ignore the feedpump and use gravity feed then it becomes 65/17.83 = 3.64 watts/litre.
  12. Here's what I am getting from my MX70. The reading varies between 0.69A to 0.72A. That's about 172W. The power consumption will depends on the actual load too.
  13. gotta take into account the power factor too so I think 240W is correct liao... wow heng not 375W else you go broke running it I think time to upgrade to MX100.
  14. all these gems and hybrids are in the hands of tang-meisters ..dunno i considered part of this group or not
  15. gem tang a few bros in here have liao can admire at their places ma... no need to own one and genna the stress
  16. This fish was mentioned more than one year ago in 14th oct 2003 and now finally appeared http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...t=0entry59670
  17. Another photo. Price wise better don't discuss openly.
  18. white cheek's tail where got orange color one? Check this out http://www.themarinecenter.com/tanghybrid.htm
  19. I fell in love with this fish instantly. Sorry for the blurr photo.
  20. Forgot already, anyway that day too stoned cos work thru-out the night to install my new sump Good luck to your new fish.
  21. If you don't have a quarantine tank then like deepblue said just release it into your main tank. If you don't have any other resident tang or aggressive fish that will stress your new AT and your tank condition is favourable for it then chances of success will be high already. Mine only started to eat many weeks later, so don't be discouraged if it doesn't start eating soon.
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