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Everything posted by weileong

  1. How abt the famous hawaii bicolor? This monster eats anything
  2. Something caused the fish in his tank to die. I supposed skimmer not enuff power to handle the extra load then ammonia shoot up and something else died and chain reaction. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...15entry305443
  3. Initially he didn't say he can surf using netscape
  4. The trick to combating ich is to treat as early as the sympton appears. You wait till you try other unproven methods and the problem gets too serious then hyposalinity also cannot save
  5. This is internet, nothing to do with whether you singnet or starhub or PI or AOL whatever Do this and test if DNS problem.
  6. maybe DNS got problem. open dos prompt and do the following: Ping Ping singnet.com.sg report back results
  7. My AP850 on my 2ft also skimming non-stop. The skimmate seems to get darker yesterday after I washed the collection cup. I think probably Alfa's AP902 not completed broken in yet.
  8. Actually wanted to go for the ultimate one but plans shelf for the moment cos the ultimate one would be very tight fit into the space avaliable. When I moved then I changed Congrats on your new skimmer looks great
  9. Like I said, not all beckett are built the same
  10. I quote from AquaC's website: http://www.proteinskimmer.com/skimmerdatabase.htm
  11. This AP850 on use in my 2ft while the BARR is still running on my 4ft. Difficult to compare directly.
  12. You're right on Alan. If the tank bioload is low and water is clean then even you use the best skimmer in this world also can't skim out anymore. No protein to skim then how can the skimmer product any skimmate? Everyone looking for dark skimmer but I think the best is still the overall tank condition.
  13. If the user don't know how to tune properly then even getting a super performing needlewheel also no use cos it also will not perform to it's full potential
  14. Especially for those running zeovit system, they also recommend overskimming. I think a big skimmer is your added insurance. How many times do you see someone posting in this forum say they went away for a few days, some big fish died in their tank and that starts a chain reaction cos the skimmer couldn't keep up with the increased bioload and then tank crash?
  15. The AP703 is using 12" body as well and the flow thru rate is the same. Must compare with similar product with similar specs, else not fair comparison already. The BK300 internal does looks very attractive... perhaps when my new tank is ready then I might go for the internal one.
  16. Even for my small little deltec AP850, I put have the return piping abt 2 ft away and I also get the same problem as they are facing with their external BK. Cos of the long piping the water level was fluctuating in the skimmer by abt 1 to 1.5", not as much as they get in their BK as the flow thru is just about 1000 l/h compared to 6000 l/h. Eventually I upsized the tubing and install another Tee and that solved my problem. Now the deltec skimming very well. Of course big world of diff compared to my weipro 2014 For me I just say the truth even if I am using that particular brand, good no good I will also post Putting out about 1" of super dark skimmate in the collection cup daily. I have tuned for slightly dryer skimmate already
  17. You know not all beckett are built the same. Like needlewheel, not all needlewheel are the same. Think you get what I am trying to say
  18. Come to think abt it, you look at the specs of the bubble king vs other skimmers,. Price issue aside, in terms of performance This is from RE website. Bubble-King 300 intern base plate : 32 x 50 cm for aquarium from 1200 – 3000 l/h 2.000 L/H air suction - 6000 l/h water total height: 68 cm. pump energy 58 Watt/h Plus a red dragon 6000 l/h (65W) as feed pump, total consumption is 123W. The specs roughly equal to a AP703 The European AP702 is fitted with 3 Eheim pumps each drawing in 700lts of air per hour giving a total of 2,100lts/hour. For Aquariums up to: Heavy Stocking 2300 Ltrs (444 gals) Normal Stocking 3500 Ltrs (667 gals) Power consumption for the AP703 (3x1260 needlewheel) = 3x65 = 195W 1262 feed pump at 80W Total is 275W Both BK 300 and AP703 has similar main chamber and very similar specs but you see the deltec draws more than double the power Pricing wise also pretty similar (deltec cost a bit more) so I think the choice is obvious... less inital cost and less running cost.
  19. 4 digit pricing. My AP850 starts with 1 and Alfa's AP902 starts with 2.
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