Here's my PO4 readings. Problem with high PO4 readings as they were released from the DSB, my sponge used for killing the micro bubbles released very black water when I wash them once a week, I eventually switched to washing once every 3 days. After almost one month of hard work I only need to wash once a week during water changes and the color is very light brown water only. I guess the nutrients levels are much lower now. My pair of clownfish also spawn and they really mess up the DSB which also released all those wasted accumulated in it.
The high PO4 reading might also be due to insufficient amount of zeostart that was dosed. Was only dosing 2ml/once every 2 days previously. Now I switched to 4ml daily. The problem was using salifert test kit, I can't really tell if PO4 readings are dropping so eventually I bite the bullet and got a hanna PO4 meter. With this I can see the PO4 reading and adjust the dosing for the zeostart.
Date: Zeostart dose PO4 reading with PO4 meter
30/11/04 4 ml 0.22ppm
1/12/04 4 ml
2/12/04 5 ml 0.19ppm
3/12/04 5 ml 0.17ppm
4/12/04 5 ml
5/12/04 5 ml 0.17ppm
6/12/04 5 ml 0.15ppm
7/12/04 6 ml 0.15ppm
9/12/04 0.13ppm
11/12/04 4 ml
12/12/04 5 ml 0.10ppm
13/12/04 3 ml 0.11ppm
No dose of zeostart from 8/12 to 10/12 due to some acros showing thinning of tips.
So far looking pretty good and on the right track. Hope to achieve stage 3 end in 1-2 month's time. Already started zeovit for 3 months already