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Everything posted by weileong

  1. You must be enjoying the tunning and light watery skimmate very much, constant overflow during water changes too
  2. I am sure the price diff is more than 1/2 a grand Edmund will tell you what you need to know Congrats... kopi on you
  3. ya faster call him, you won't regret. with jaguar's pricing you can get the AP902 which has 10" dia chamber, 900mm tall and runs off 2X1260s.
  4. Actually in germany the prices are sort of on par. But after dealer markup here then the difference in price already. At abt $2k+ you're better off with a BK300 external
  5. Alfa, the water level is tune by rotating the elbow besides the neck. Air is tune with the air hose clamp
  6. bro... your AP850 photo is old model. you're most welcome to my crappy place for a look at the skimmer. The new model looks like this. This one is running freshwater test for leakage so that's why giant bubbles
  7. There are different schools of thought. Some seems to think that having over-specs skimmer will cause lost of trace elements. So in the end need to dose back coral food, dose back trace elements. Some seems to think that over skimming is good. Extra skimmer capacity in case of any spike in bioload. Endless debates over this In fact hot debate (or seems so) just over in another forum
  8. yeap contact Edmund. Oh the 1260 H&S going for above $2k in the black meow meow shop right?
  9. Have you look at the deltec instead? The ehiem 1260 model is much cheaper
  10. And finally spend too much beyond your means and you will have very BIG problem
  11. Quoted from Deltec Website which I find it to be true in my limited experience. This would apply to any other brands of skimmers as well. You said your NO3 and PO4 is zero but it is just undetectable by your method of testing only. I would think that even with a larger skimmer your hair algae will still be there as they are still ###### out the nutrients in your system as the nutrients slowly leach out from your substrates and LRs. Once there is no more nutrients to leach the hair algaes will be gone. Since NO3 and PO4 are undetectable so probably your current skimmer is of sufficient capacity.
  12. The zeovit guide is just a basic guide, you must observe the reaction of your corals in order to know how much to dose. How abt some clear photos to let us help you? If it is lost of tissues at the tips then in this case after some time it will turn a bit brown as algae starts to grow on it. In this case it could be caused by zeovit overdose. If it is new growth then the above will not happen.
  13. Add a regal angel. Oh yours is 2ft tank so better do manual removal or epoxy before they go out of control.
  14. Pengz... my D70 is bought primary for my other hobby and just happens to work well for the reef tank too
  15. orrrr then you drool for what? *pengz* congrats to DB Your lost his gain
  16. A booster pump to ensure that the pressure going into the RO stage is high will reduce the waste water ratio.
  17. Got nothing great, post this white bodied digitata with green polyps. Shoot under 20kk.
  18. Remember overdose can be caused by too high flow rate thru the zeolites. Recommended flow rate is 400 l/h for every 1litre zeolit. Recommended amount of zeolit is 1 litre for every 400litres net volume. Too much also considered overdose. IF you do not use a zeovit reactor then it is really difficult to control the flow thru the zeolites and this could cause overdose as well. There's a new theory that zeostart inconjunction with zeolite underdose cause cyano too. Have another point to add: For matured tank, it is highly recommended to underdose by 50% when you just starts on zeovit if not you will experience tissue lost. Only go for full dose after the first change of zeolites 4 weeks later.
  19. Most of the SPS starting to show crazy growth since I switch back the MH. Tissues are lightening up again. Brown pocci turning back pink again
  20. Close view of the needle valve for fine effluent tunning.
  21. Due to upgrading have a RM calcium reactor with hang on 2nd chamber for sale. Height (from base to highest part of CR): 29" Diameter: 7" Holds more than 15kg ARM. CO2 recirculation for efficient use of excess CO2. built in bubble counter. Additional accessories/feature not found on standard RM CR: Needle valve for fine tuning of effluent All ball valve replaced with high quality ones. Includes ARM and 1kg of Mg Pro (currently in the CR). Ehiem 1250 circulation pump. Does not include CO2 cylinder, regulator, solenoid. Might have missed out some more additions. Asking for $550, pls PM if interested. Avaliable after 16th Feb.
  22. I was there when you pick this giant one from the tank
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