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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Chio man.... so many pple starring at them in iwarna yet no one buy. The photos do no justice to the beauty of this fish man.
  2. The noise is due to the bearing, most probably the one at the rear near the fan (there's two bearing in the MD40 BTW). You only took out the front impellor casing. Like the rest said, either the O-ring not seat properly or the 6 screws are not tighten evenly. Is this a new MD40? I would return it and ask for a new one if there's any warranty. It'll fail soon for sure
  3. That is a sign of defective bearing
  4. That is called tank adaptor/bulkhead. Try hai cheong.
  5. stop dosing and observe your corals and tank condition. No need water change. Any brown/green layer on the substrate, rocks and glass?
  6. Mine is already 24 weeks into zeovit so my dosage are much lower than yours. zeobak/food7 : 2/2 drops once 2 days (first 2 weeks after media change) followed by 2x/week for next 4 weeks zeostart: 0.5ml 2x/day zeolites: 1.2 litres, flowrate thru reactor: 500 l/h, cleans twice a day.
  7. Solely based on manufacturer's rating. For similar specs Example Deltec AP1003, roughly same rating as Bubble King 300 but AP1003 running 3x1260 while bk 300 running 1 red dragon needlewheel. For this example we trust both manufacturer's rating.
  8. Was at EAN this afternoon to collect my deltec stuffs and happen to meet a gentleman who has upgraded to the deltec AP702. His old skimmer was certain german brand skimmer. No brands is mentioned here but the height of the specs of the skimmer is: Height: 590mm Main chamber diameter: 110mmm Rated for 500-1000 litres. The gentleman had a 5ft tank so we assume a volume of 180 gallons = 600 litres. This is well within the rating of the skimmer. His tank has an outbreak of red hairy algae which cannot be solved. Bioload wise, mostly SPS and only 1 kole tang. Based on this, if we follow the manufacturers' rating strictly then his old skimmer is consider good and in fact slightly over specs for his reef tank. But why in this case algae outbreak? Skimmer brands aside, the specs his new skimmer is as follow: For Aquariums up to: Heavy Stocking 1500 Ltrs (333 gals) Normal Stocking 2000 Ltrs (444 gals) Height: 610mm Main chamber dia: 250mm. See the height diff is neg but the volume of the main chamber is 5x more yet the rating is just 2x more. Any thoughts on this?
  9. Skip the iodide. Zeofood, zeobak, AAHC recommended dose is 1 drop/100L so you're seems too much. Read the zeovit guide again and stick to the recommended dose. Zeofood,bak are alternate days for the first 2 weeks after media change out followed by 2x a week for 4 weeks before the next change out. zeostart is alternate day dosing or daily depending on tank condition. AAHC is daily dose.
  10. You need time for the skimmer to break in. Did you wash the skimmer with warm water to remove those chemicals in the skimmer material? Since never do it then I suggest you leave it alone. It will take sometime to break in properly. Until then, no skimmate yet. Meanwhile have you replace the elbow with the Tee yet?
  11. The price of Japanese skimmers will be even more "attractive" then
  12. I believe the "sharp" noise comes from the bearing. This is just time bomb waiting for failure only. Get is changed ASAP As for the leak, you gotta open up and check the O-ring. Is this a 2nd hand pump?
  13. Two problems with your skimmer installation from wat I can see. Your elbow is higher than the neck of the skimmer so this will lead to very wet skimmate. Seems like you need to raise your skimmer if not because of the height of the elbow you need to close the air valve to prevent flooding of your skimmer. But because you closed too much so the bubble density is not there and in fact very miserable for a beckett. The elbow should be repalced with a Tee else you get unstable water level.
  14. Do a search or read the older post. Good stuff. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...=0entry344440
  15. Ever heard of anthias on pellets?
  16. When calibration fails. Or you never cal it at all ?
  17. You should always keep the pH probe wet. There should be a cover that comes with the probe. After using it, put back that cover. Best to fill with KCl, if not distilled water or tap water (last resort) will work too. If the probe drys out then the probe could be damaged.
  18. Here's my observation with phoenix 14kk. Not an expert in SPS so can only give my observation after using it for 6months+ Growth is very very slow and with new growth I do not see a colored tips especially for blue and purple colony. After I switched to BLV10kk, I could tell the growth are explosive from observing the corals as well as the load on the CR. Now running drip of abt 5-6 drops/sec for effluent yet the CR could not keep up and kH dropping by 0.2 daily. Like you said no problem to maintain the green colors. Actually green is so easy under BLV10kk too. Another observation when using the phoenix 14kk. I tried the digitata from Iwarna 2 times and on both occassion both could not make it. Same goes for my monti caps too. Now under BLV10kk, my digitata is growing like mad. Same goes to my monti cap too. I have a 1cm frag that has doubled in size in abt 2 weeks time. All SPS showing new growth tips with original colors and the main body also slowly lightening up. Things are looking good again. BTW I am 23 weeks into zeovit and just done my 5th change of zeolites yesterday.
  19. FYI, deltec do make customised units. eg like they can make the skimmer shorter by 1 or 2" so that it fits your setup for you.
  20. India lar not Indian ocean cos his AT photo very dark ma.
  21. Somemore growth photo. This walt smith purple colony turn brown under phoenix 14kk but only recently color up after I switched to BLV10kk + zeospur2.
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