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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Yes, very important dun buy Made-in-Singapore exported to Thai fans, not reliable one, later tua you big time no air come out you cry.
  2. Old fan too stubborn + thick skin liao, cannot work properly, just blow hot air only. Blow hot air blow till pple fare up then run away say trying to avoid confrontation.
  3. he buay cee one lar...... skin thicker than thai elephant
  4. This sounds so familiar. Sign.... didn't know still got 40+ yrs old reefers around but still not matured enough to admit his mistake and apologise. This is not referring to you or gouldian but someone else Now all LFS should blacklist him.
  5. Here's the reply I got from AVA regarding hand-carry mushroom corals back from overseas. Dear Wei Leong, Thank you for your email dated 5 Feb 2005. A person or company importing aquarium or ornamental fish (including soft corals) into Singapore is required to be licensed by the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA). Thereafter, each consignment of fish must be declared and approved by the AVA before importation. However AVA allows each traveller to import a maximum of 5 pieces of soft corals of not more than 5kg in total weight per person per travel from overseas as part of one’s carry-on luggage for personal keeping without applying for an import licence or approval. The rock subtrate to which the soft corals are attached must not be bigger than palm-size in dimension. Please note that all import of hard corals require CITES permit issued by the AVA prior to import. The traveller should declare the soft corals brought in to the Customs upon entering Singapore. If you still have any further queries on import of ornamental fish, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards. Poh Yew Kwang | Wildlife Regulatory Branch | Import & Export Division | Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority Tel 6751 9802 | Fax 6759 5043 | Website www.ava.gov.sg Privileged/confidential information may be contained in this message. If you are not the intended addressee, you must not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance thereon. If you receive this message in error, please notify the sender immediately.
  6. Obviously stepped on his tail when I bring out the truth So he quickly make up some story to make me look bad and him looking good. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...30entry360120
  7. Pain-in-the-butt or not depends on the actual person using it. If the person has no brains or no common sense then obviously it is going to be PITB or PITA for that particular person. You can refer to this thread for more details on the PITB when using rowaphos for a particular reefer. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...c=27797&hl=rowa That particular person is very strange one, always PM me, call me bro, ask me reply to his thread and then suddenly say he's been avoiding confrontation with me. All PM are dated very recent, so if what he says is true then why still come bug me for reply when he's trying to avoid confrontation? Be very careful when you deal with this fella as he as tua a particular LFS when he ordered and confirm something but later back out of the deal breaking his promise. DON'T GET BURN by him. A few of the many similar type PM from the "PITA reefer" ---------------------- Webcam, Jan 25 2005, 05:20 PM Bro, Can you give some comments on this? http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ST&f=17&t=28543 Thanks, PITA reefer (nick been changed to protect his identity) ---------------------- skimmer, Dec 17 2004, 10:55 PM Hi Bro, Buying new skimmer? Any good lobang to introduce? Cheers, PITA reefer -------------------- Chiller, Dec 23 2004, 01:05 PM Hi Bro, Understand that you have separated your 2ft completely from your 4ft tank. Is the 2ft FOWLR? Are you running any chiller for your 2ft? What brand and any lobang? Coz I'm thinking of getting a chiller for my 2ft anemone tank. Cheers, PITA Reefer ----------------------
  8. Here's the mod they have done. I was pretty surprised when they called me and told me they are doing a recall for all the 1/2hp artica. Guess you get better service after paying more.
  9. IanJ, It is not surprising as I know of some chemical plants that have been running their iwaki pumps for more than 15yrs
  10. The APF600 does have a collection cup that is larger than the main chamber diameter but certainly no big head doll
  11. How come your questions so naive one? Just happens that APF600 and AP850 has the same collection cup.
  12. I'll say this again. No explanation or "evidence" on your comments on "confrontation"? It's so unfortunate that you could not provide the evidence. Just throw a bomb and then run away without backing up your claims, it is very damaging for the other person. If you like I can do the same to you. How do you feel now?
  13. The neck is curved but only on the interior side so when view externally it looks flat. The neck is fairly large when compared to the dia of the main chamber as this APF600 uses the same collection cup as the AP850.. This skimmer going for $800+ w/o installation kit.
  14. Some people really CMI one, nevermind, he will get what he deserves in due time. Conclusion: Different pump for different purpose/situation, application & budget. Get what is within your budget and what suits your application. There is no one single pump that suits everyone. And pls remember be a gentleman and honor your words and speak wisely. Always be prepared to provide evidence and backup your claim
  15. No explanation or "evidence" on your comments on "confrontation"? It's so unfortunate that you could not provide the evidence. Just throw a bomb and then run away without backing up your claims, it is very damaging for the other person. If you like I can do the same to you. Here's the thread. The rest can read and decide if it is confrontation or just stating the truth. Everyone loves to hear good things but the truth just hurts at times. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...c=27797&hl=rowa Anymore facts to back up your claim? If not I expect an apology from you. I did not say you booked the RD from Sugi but you actually told the dealer that if the RD don't arrive by your date then you will get from Sugi. Oh do you remember ordering a 5kg Rowaphos and then cancelling it too? The dealer sometimes has no control over the lead times too as the factory could not meet the demand and delivery time keep on dragging.
  16. What confrontation are you referring to? Problems with using rowaphos in FR? I state the fact and it is so painful for you??? Anymore??? probably I am not aware of, maybe you like the enlighten me If you can show me that I offended you with hard evidence then I will offer you my apologies. If you could not then I will expect you to do the same for your comments. It's so strange that your atitude can take a 180 deg swing within a matter of few months. I probably don't know the full story as I do not know how you think. You said that if the pump don't arrived within a certain time then you will get the one that Sugi is selling? End up the pump was sold to Roidan instead. Just don't confirm+chop then end up no more "chop" already. BTW you know what "chop" means? You're posted to thailand so probably you know better than me
  17. Ya lor, can promise you 1001 things say die die confirm order but end up see what happened? pengz
  18. Cannot be mar, he complain iwaki is noisy
  19. That's why sudden change of mind again???
  20. I heard you ordered (confirm + chop won't run away one) a 10000 l/h red dragon abt 3 weeks ago, what happened?
  21. Roidan, for your logic I could fully understand. That is why in my previous I said that the Iwaki are hard to beat for their price & performance when sourced from Hong Kong. However my comments are for his comment on the pump that cost 1/10 the price of the RD and draws 200% more power. Like to know how hot that pump runs
  22. why cannot compare? Remember you post before that it will take many years for the higher electrical bills to offset the difference in price. Any logic in that? How come the sudden interest in RD then lol.
  23. It's like comparing a turbo car and NA car. Both properly tuned, the turbo car will be less fuel efficient and the NA car more fuel efficient.
  24. Bro, you're comparing one product that is mass produced, moulded parts which are much cheaper. The other one is individually CNC machine out. However the iwaki are hard to beat for the price especially if you get from cheap source in Hong Kong.
  25. Still breaking in, running for less than 1 hr but can see some slight brownish stuffs foaming Riot: can't really tell the size of the bubbles visually as the whole chamber is milky. I just tune the air valve down a little since it is still breaking in. Probably will be running it fully open once it is fully broken in. With my experience with the AP850, this APF600 is really easy to tune. Don't even need to read the instructions. Will post more comments and photos as the skimmer breaks in.
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