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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Just one suggestion, is to tune your CR till your kH is stable, remember to always measure the kH around the same time of the day. This is due to the fact that kH changes are more apparent than Ca as seawater contains much more Ca.
  2. Good price bro...upz for you. Hope to see you back ib the hobby soon
  3. I meant exhausted Dissolved till let the outer skin only.
  4. Good reading http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2004-12/rhf/index.htm For my tank, the kH stays very close to 7.0 and Ca 430ppm. No need to dose any addictive or stuffs like that even after water change as the TM pro reef salt I used has kH and Ca close to 7 and 430ppm respectively. I am using rowalith in my CR and at CR chamber pH 6.32 the effluent Ca is 570 and kH 31.5 so I just adjust the effluent flow and control the chamber pH to be stable with a pH controller, with this I can tune the consumption rate of my tank to match the supply from the CR. Without knowing your effluent kH and Ca and tank consumption rate, how do you expect to tune your CR properly?
  5. Assuming your ARM is not expired which I don't believe so. In this case your effluent output shouldbe kH and Ca in a ratio of around 1:50 which should be roughly equal to the ratio of consumption rate in your reef. So what you need to do now is to go measure your kH consumption rate in your reef tank then try to tune/measure the kH that your CR is supplying. Tune till the Cr can hold the kH nicely. When you Ca is more than 500, how much is your kH? I bet it shoot sky high?
  6. If you need to dose to increase kH that means your CR is not supplying sufficient kH and Ca which means you need to increase the effluent flow for your case. The ratio of kH and Ca is abt 1:50 in our reef tank and that is why is always seems that kH drops while Ca maintains but in actual fact boths are dropping but just that Ca needs to drop more for us to detect it. What I suggest is to tune your CR so its hold the kH value as any changes in kH can be easier to see than compared to Ca.
  7. It's not that the tap water is PO4 free but it is below the detection limit of the salifert test kit and/or how the tester's eye can see the very slight blue color I had compared the Salifert PO4 test test using high sensitivity mode and hanna PO4 meter. The salifert test kit shows undetectable PO4 (looks colorless to my eyes) while the hanna PO4 meter shows 0.1ppm.
  8. In this case your flow is too high. recommended flow thru the reactor is 400 l/h for every 1litre zeolit used. You using abt 330ml so the recommend flow is around 130 l/h. Your aquabee 1000l/h flow is way too high. Install a ball valve and reduce the flow rate ASAP
  9. What's your overall volume of your tank? Yours looks like a 2ft-3ft to me. How much zeolit are you using? Assuming after headlost the flow thru the reactor is about 700-800 l/h that is still too high. Without knowing your tank size/volume it is pretty hard to advise you. Too much zeolit and/or too high flow thru the zeolites is considered as overdose too and will lead to tissue recession and eventual coral death if no corrective actions is taken. Sometimes the corals can recover but sometimes you loose them.
  10. And the zeovit dosage. How about the media (zeolit) where are they place? Using any reactor and the flow rates thru it?
  11. Looks like RTN. Maybe your inital dosage of zeovit is too high and the SPS could not adapt to the changes.
  12. Aiyo..... planted then must say earlier. Go with Iwasaki 6.5k. You use too "blueish" end up algae problem.
  13. Have you guys seen how they cut those frog legs? Same also done when the frogs are alive and they skin them alive too Can't blame them. When there's a demand then there's supply so stop the demand today
  14. You can try the Iwasaki 20kk. Whitish with slight blue tint.
  15. As mentioned in my first post, there will be a few phase, I'll have to get some new LR and to fully cycle them with zeovit for a month or longer before I go ahead to order the new tank. This is to shorten the time taken to cycle the new tank as well as to reduced all the nutrients bind in the new LR so I don't get funny algaes growing on the LR when the new tank is comissioned. I'll also have to discuss with my tank maker and see his advise as well. I don't expect to see the new tank anywhere before August. Good things are worth waiting.
  16. Oh boy I love those PBT, can't take my eyes off them, there's a few with super black face chio chio chio Should be rich man's Moorish idol Anyway Iwarna address is Aquarium Iwarna Pte Ltd Category Address : Plot 133 Pasir Ris Dr 12 Singapore 510000 Please check street directory
  17. No plans for any coral sales, most of them are brown anyway. If possible would be trading frags with other reefers (since there's a possibility of loosing some SPS when I transfer them to the new tank) to add to the different type of SPS in the new reef as it can hold more SPS. Then the fun would be to grow the frags into colony
  18. The tank is designed to have the max number of SPS avaliable so the LR will be stacked on stand shown in the photo.
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