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  1. what about hair algae problem on my DSB? will it go away?
  2. the tank was a 3x2x1.5ft. 6mm. tank builder assured him the glass will hold. exploded after 3 months. check it out at the marine section of www.flowerhorn.org I'm the smartie in that thread
  3. my friend;s last night REAL nightmare...........HIs marine tank exploded! front glass cracked. tank in his living room.
  4. Serious hair algae growth on the surface of my DSB. siphoned the top layer of my dsb out a few days ago and now it's re-appearing again everywhere. how do i solve this problem?
  5. I have never changed my tank's water for 6 months oredi and everything is alive and kicking. There are many reefcentral forumners who also never change water.
  6. according to reefcentral, clownfishes can do fine w/o anemones
  7. there's this disease called brooklyella which is very common in clowns. Kills within days. all it takes is one new clown with an infection and there goes all ur clowns.
  8. i have been using waterlife products for many many years for my freshwater fishes and their products have never disappointed me b4. But i dunno whether it works for marine fishes. but octozyn claims to cure clown fish disease wor
  9. PJ is quite big lah. I think size almost same with Singapore ( twenty years time). I stay near IKEA lar. I also happen to know that guy from USJ11. His name is ROGER mah! quite knowledgable guy. Now upgraded to MODERATOR of arofan's marine section!
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