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KL Tay

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Everything posted by KL Tay

  1. KL Tay

    WTG Cheato

    Hi Mr. Calvin Yee, l want some cheato for my tank. When can collect from you? Thank you. Regards, KL Tay 9090 0846 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. I temporary stop using aio biopellets, it made my DT cloudy and filter wool a lot of those brown slime . Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Hi Fragmaster, I'm interested in golden cloves.

    where and when can to collect from you?


  4. Hi, It must be bacteria boom, you introduced too much biopellet in your tank.
  5. Hi bro, you get copper band butterfly from Sealife. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. Hi already and you. Thanks. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. Hi bro, is your tunze 6080 still available?



    KL Tay

    HP: 9090 0846 

    1. marineph


      Hi bro,

      I am keeping it for my own use.  Tunze is the most reliable WM pump I have ever used.  Thanks for your interest.



  8. Hi, anyone know the cost of picasso? Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  9. hi bro,

    how old is the pump ?


  10. hi bro, unit's still under warrenty?
  11. hi bro, how old the unit & selling how much ? Thx.
  12. hi, underwater Interested in AquaBee 6000 & DE 4ft Light . Pls sms or call 90900846 Thx Francis
  13. hi, babareef Interested on DE Light T5 4 ft i already sms U, willing to let. Thx
  14. wtb Tunze Singlecontroller 7091 pls. pm
  15. hi, i have interest on Tunze WM pls. sms 90900846
  16. hi, i am interested in Tunze wavemaker 6060 pls. sms 90900846
  17. i am interested, how much you want to sell.
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