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Everything posted by mafia

  1. superb looking tank roidan!! Read all the pages....great details!! Wanted to know, those fan corals....purple and orange....wat is the scientific name for it? Issit hardy? Would like to know more about that coral. pls advise thx!! Me from msia....LFS here know nuts....and i've been cracking my head to learn it up!
  2. i have mine in the living room just coz its feng sui! cant put the tank anywhere else!! here is my tank!
  3. Thx bro....got 9 in total.....if can, i will get my MS a gf....hehehe Nice doggy you have your self! always like something in all white....but its hard to maintain the whiteness... i do have a pure white persian cat tho...
  4. piper...female shihtzu..5mths
  5. phoebe and scooby...tiny shihtzus...age 5mths!
  6. This is russell....6 mths old MS...needs grooming!...taken 2 mths back Scooby ...he is 5 mths old now..Shihtzu..taken 2.5mths back Xena...my rottie mix...8mths old now....pix taken 5mths back ginger...my first dog...mix breed...1.5years old now..taken 5mths back My puppy...mongrel...taken 5mths back
  7. hey all, i did transfer all my cured rocks and water but my old tank but then had to also add up like 10kg of salt/water. check it within 4 days, ammonia=0, no2=0.25, no3=30 7days, amm=0, no2=0, no3=10. Is this real?? can this happen. i did at rocks from my friends tank which has been stable for the past 6months. pls advise. thx. Achilles Tang, do you have pix of ur latest setup?
  8. my gf wanted a 6ft marine after seeing my 4ft tank.... so now i'm cycling my 6footer soon to be reef tank for her.... sadly...she asked that for her birthday present.....and ouch....2.5k out of my budget oledi!!!!! :(
  9. hey all, i was wondering wat type of chiller is recommended and wat type of weilpro skimmer is recommended? skimmer there are so many models. how much will it cost to but a weilpro skimmer for a 6footer and how much will a chiller cost... pls advise...thx
  10. Achilles Tang and other bros, how do i speed up the process. i saw u running ur tank within one week...all things are in. i have 2 marine(4ft and 3ft) and now planning to upgrade it to 6ftX2ftX2ft. so i know i will have to start all over again. but some did say.....put in market prawns and buy BB to speed up the process. can i do that?? pls help.. thx....highly appreciatted
  11. ive decided after all the arguments about DSB, i'm goin for it. putting 4" of DSB-livesand in my main tank 72"X24"X24" and another 4" in my sump 24"X15" the sump will have 3 partitian....with 3 baffles first chamber, water from tank comes in where the skimmer(weilpro) wil be fitted. second chamber, refugium. third chamber, submergeble pump for return. Drad, never heard of that pump kills microalgae. how else u push the water up??
  12. i got lots of live sand from my current tank oledi. so i doubt will be buying any at the moment.
  13. thx guys.....so i need at least 4" of DSB in my main tank and another 6" of sand in my sump??? after calculation, my sump will have a refugium space of 24"X18"X18". is it enough??
  14. Hey all, currently i have a 75g and a 55g marine tank!.....both about 3 months old!......all stabilize and the 75 has some corals in there. Just 2 days ago i manage to buy one second hand(4mths old) 6ftX2ftX2ft with sump of 36"X15"X15"(35g). So now planning to convert that tank to Marine. I did get some opinion and found that the sump is too small. So now i wanna convert the sump to a 75g. At this moment, my tanks are running on DSB of 5". So i'm planning to put in about 2"(can i go lower?) in my main tank and about 5" in my sump as the refugium. pls advise me on how do i go about setting up this giant!! i want it to be a success! thx in advance
  15. hehehe.... i dun take any advise nor ask them! i ask some of my marine friends and gether info from forums like SG.reef.... it helps me alot......if i had to get advise on my LFS.....i would've given up marine long time ago!!! hehhehehe
  16. wow cool....coz i'm learnin....my friend once told me that the air bubble type is enough and the pump type is too big for my tank!.....he said that will take up space! great...i will upgrade mine to weipro than!
  17. hmmm...ok. NO3 can only go down by changing water?? i got plans of upgrading to a 5footer tank....a high tank that is! if i removes all the sand and the rocks.....will it have ammonia spike in the new tank?? yes about phrosphate, how do i remove that? phrosphate is present is our tap water. how do i remove this..... anyway thx guys
  18. wat is rowa phros ? i am using a air bubble protien skimmer at the moment. oh yes my tank is 4ftX1.5ftX1.5ft with 5" of #0 live sand. can i use the big skimmers with power head? wielpro or jebo? is it good or bad to use such a big skimmer on my 4ft tank?
  19. wow...thats fast reply guys, yeah its red....i do have diatoms too....but in control! My ammonia is 0, No2 is 0 No3 is 40! its about 1.5 month now!.....actually it was a 2 months old tank and i added in new live rocks and sand....then i had ammonia spike! so a restart! I dun have this problem is my 3ft marine though....ammonia=0, no2=0, no3=20. I dun have any live stock at the moment except for snails, i do have some corals and brains though!
  20. Hey guys, I got patches of some slimmy stuff on my DSB....red color that is! there are bubbles on it too.....sumthing pike plants having bubbles in photosyntesis! Is this bad or Good......pls advise.....all of a sudden its there....and how do i remove it? thx
  21. hehehehe....i removed all my live rock and fishes....caught the crab and threw it out my window....heheheh....wanted it to suffer in my backyard!! Anyway...now the fishes are in the pail!...
  22. i'm using a 8" exhaust fan flowing it from and angle....blowing onto the water and my lights. i top up bout 1.5 litre of water every mornin... temp is bout 26 to 26.5 on hot day!... it a 4ft X 1.5ft X 1.5ft
  23. hmmm...i tried this but no effect!! found white stuff growing on it though! maybe only applicable to old tanks!....mine is 2 months old!
  24. for the reply guys, Yday...tomato was a bit smart.....ate the flakes! Wah JUAN....banyak cantik.....come try catching it bro! Anyway...thx again for the wonderful response! Now i need to catch my damn crab out!... it ate my tiny domino damsel! JUAN, need ur help on this!
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