Pics are abit grainy and the tank has fine sand particle floating around too. Caused by the two Maroons who always sweep the sand bed from the centre as u can see from the pic above that the centre portion of the sand are swept to the sides.
Hi Tijo,
It's all angel & all except the Rock Beauty are big angels leh. Make sure u've got a big tank for them and must make sure they are kept together cuz if all are new, they'll sure fight to death.
If u will to do that, then u can use the exisiting sump to juz house all equipments like skimmer, FR, CR, PR etc. Don't even have to put coral chips in the first compartment. In short, it's a equipment only sump, very cool
wah pianz heavy moving... better not try then. Hmmm... another way is get another tank, put it outside & connect the whole system by piping? Then that tank sure can be a solid refugium.
Hi Jackalcleo > Is there any difference? I also not sure, maybe u can tell me how or what to look at then I'll chk it out. Anyway it better to put it in the sump as I've tried hanging it outside tank, it'll leak.
Dear Mod and Reefers,
I realised that it had been quite some time since SRC had any updates on TOTM liao. Wonder if we can bring that back again plus a Tank Of The Year(TOTY) too?
TOTY is to see how reefers maintain and keep good reefing and not juz a spur of the moment hobby set up by getting all the High End equipments or simply juz keep buying new corals/fishes to replace the old ones. It's abt their set up, system, maintenance regime, type of feeding etc.
So any takers and like minded reefers?
Got the following for sale. Pics are taken as of today, what u see is what u'll be buying. Looking at >= $50 each equipment. Self collect pls, unless u wanna pay for my transport for delivery