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tan_pao_wei last won the day on September 6 2011

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  1. Hi guys I am looking to buy Red Sea Prism Skimmer. If you have pls msg me thanks.
  2. up for the nice reefer. saw his Flame Hawk before. as fat as the reefer himself!
  3. Hey bro I bought the exact same tank as you 6 weeks ago! Oceanfree Tank black color from c328 auntie for $65. I cycled the tank for 2 weeks with all the stock filters and tap water and some 2nd hand salt and LR. I tested the water with nitrate testkit (only have one testkit) which shows zero and after that I introduced a $1 clown into the tank and shrimp and tubeworm. they are still surviving till now:) I first installed a 0.14ampere 2" fan on the cover and managed to keep the temperature under 30 degrees But in recently weeks it escalated to >32. So I install another 0.34ampere 3" fan but the temperature still hovers around 31 in the hot afternoon. I have 2 pieces of rock with mushrooms and yuma and they are doing good so far, but last week I bought zoas and it never open and decay and I have to toss them away. Anyway so far I only changed the sponge twice.. Just check and feel if dirty just change new one.. I bought the sponge for like 3bucks at some LFS cheap cheap.
  4. Wanting to sell this boxer shrimp for any amount or trade with blood shrimp or cleaner shrimp shrimp + top up.
  5. Last night bought a bigger clown to accompany a small clown I bought more than 1 week ago, this morning saw the boxer attacking the new clown and it was swimming side way.. I quickly scoop it out but died soon after that.. I am sick of this boxer already.. Should I ditch this boxer
  6. Hi guys got a question. A few days ago when I reached home at night I saw my cleaner shrimp molded its shell, and I just decided to do a 20% water change with no particular reason. The very next day mornig I saw my cleaner shrimp dead and the boxer shrimp was feeding on it. Did the boxer shrimp kill it or it or the cleaner shrimp just died on its own after molding? Has it got to do with my water change? Anyway they bought them together about 1week ago and everything is fine.
  7. selling the boxer shrimp at $4. Collection at serangoon ave 3. contact me at 91846984
  8. Thanks bro you are very helpful Its exciting to finally have LS in the tank after 3 weeks man! hopefully they will all survive.
  9. Oh man.. Last night I bought a shrimp, the porcelain crab and a $1 clown.. Only when I got home last night I realised the shrimp is a boxer shrimp instead of the cleaner shrimp after comparation cos I got a cleaner shrimp 2which I bought 2 days ago in my 12 gallon after 3 weeks of cycling. Now I have to worry about the boxer shrimp and my $1 clown.. hopefully when I got home later they are all Okay.. Do you think i should take out the boxer shrimp?
  10. Thanks LemonLemon and binosage. Its amazing how you guys ID the crab with my lousy 1MP handphone camera LOL. The picture u posted did the crab more justice man. This morning I saw it pointing its claws at the boxer shrimp when they were within 1inch of each other and I thought they were gonna fight. Is boxer shrimp agressive by nature? Don;t wan to see any of them lost their claws man.
  11. Anyone knows what crab is this? Bought from I-aquarium at pasir ris farmway for $5. will it harm my clown which is about the same size as it? about50 cents size.
  12. Hi guys I am looking to buy live rocks to fill my 10 gallon small tank. If you can spare may be about 10kg please contact me at 91846984 I will go visit you. Thanks.
  13. Hi I am lookng for 1 or 1.5 feet nano tank. If you have any lobangs please contact me at 91846984 thanks.
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