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Everything posted by MarCal

  1. Approx. 3” x 2” - $25 Collection amk ave 4
  2. Selling for friend Supersaiyan- $40 (circled in green) Peacock eye? With one polyp of I think sambal lambal- $20 (circles in red) Left hammer(1 head) - $25 Orange yumas- $15 (circles in blue) Blue zoas- $20 Gsp- $10 Pls contact ‭9879 9477‬
  3. Last 2 ...2" at $25 each!!!
  4. Selling for Friend .... $20 n $25 Smallest size is 1” at $20 Please contact 82231304
  5. Looking for the above with cabinet/profile stand. Pls pm condition and price.
  6. Bam Bam - $30 for attached frag Have 3, 4 n 5 polyps frag for $15, $18 n $20
  7. Sunny D - $50 Rainbow Infusion - 3 polyps - $40 Birdnest - $35
  8. Thanks for interest but sorry I do not have any more.
  9. 1. Turquoise Birdnest (bigger than fist) - $40 2. Red Blastos - $60 3. Lumi GSP (2 types) - $20 Collection/view AMK ave 4
  10. 2nd pic shows polyps when light just on. Hv approx 7 polyps - $55 Or trade for Blastos of other Colours collection/viewi at AMK ave 4
  11. Hi MinCamfa, maybe u can msg 9879 9477 (seller) to double check and get a clearer picture.
  12. Thank u for ur offer. Understand. U sincere buyer n my friend serious seller. U can call for any price u willing n am comfortable with. If seller is willing, he'll sell. He will decide.
  13. Hi, let me check with seller. It should be a local set. Bought locally. Specs was taken off website.
  14. Hi, Thanks for offering but sorry $700 is really too low for a brand new TK500 chiller.
  15. Price reduce further... $800! Chiller is brand new in box with warranty!!!
  16. Very beautiful tank. What is ID for 2nd pic? Very nice yellow green body
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