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Everything posted by MarCal

  1. More than 10 heads - $80 or trade for other colour blastos. Collection/viewing amk ave 4.
  2. I really dislike testing water but I tested both magnesium n calcium only. Both also low. Need to dose. Might test for the rest later if....
  3. I just added my Scopas Tang from my lagoon n he is helping me. Clearing up!!!!
  4. Turpentine should be able? I see my carpenter cleaning silicon off my kitchen cabinet n glass.
  5. Thank you very much Mahesh for dropping by. Been fighting algae. Some corals losing colours too.
  6. Even tds if 5 shouldn’t be too bad. Chaeto cannot be too tight in sump as they need room to grow.
  7. Had it since I started my lagoon (almost 2 yrs). Do u use RODI water? Mine I clean once or twice per week. Before using RODI (only DI), was cleaning like mad.
  8. Last night, decided to transfer my Scopas Tang n Yellow Coris over fr my Lagoon. Scopas Tang ( my gem ) is so hardworking. Clear quite a lot of algae especially those on corals. So tangful to my Gem. Wanted to switch off lights for 2 days but looking at how hard my Gem worked, I switched them on before end of 2 days. Lets see how things go fr here.
  9. Very nice. Corals all looking good.
  10. Guess too late liao. Usually go during weekends....it"s sooooooooo far The $100 ones I saw are quite big ones. So maybe that y cost more.
  11. I am always scared of adding fish. But a tank without fish like so boring hahah. Ya previous owner calls him Mr Ugly. He has a very grouchy face. So grouchy until he looks. Where to get Flame Hawk at that price? Just saw some costing $100.
  12. Added 3 x Blue Eye Anthias. Love theirbcolura n body markings. Gift fr Friend... an Algae Blenny keep fingers all cross that I’ll be able to see all of u in the morning.
  13. Wow!! Nice n looking very pro too. Hahahaah same feelings about posting
  14. OK It's a Blue Eye Anthia. Back to normal when added to tank.
  15. A very beautiful Powder Blue u hv there!
  16. Thank you for all interest. Tang has been reserved for collection.
  17. Can someone help ID this anthia? Bought as Blue eye anthia.
  18. Abt 2.5” - 3”. - $10 Eats pellets, chopped up food n algae. Selling cos my purple firefish are scared of it. Initially was stressed but now recovered in holding tank Collection/viewing amk ave 4
  19. Some pics. Not much difference. Added a pair of purple firefish gobies n some zoas. Sadly, still fighting algae.
  20. Latest pics of Jade digi under hydra 26
  21. 4. NOID - looks a little goldish green - 7-8 polyps $20, 10-15 polyps $25 - $30 Think it’s Mystic zoa?
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