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Everything posted by MarCal

  1. Rasta - $35 Gatorade - 6 polyps - $25 Belladonna - 5-7polyps - $25 XC Illutionist - 2 polyps $80, 7polyps $150 NOID 4polyps + 3 - $20 Watermelon - 2polyps - $15 Macroblastomussa mini colony - $30 Collection amk ave 4
  2. 3 types combo - approx 2 - 2.5” - $35 Forest fire n Yellow Spondoges - 1” n 2” - $25 Collection at amk ave 4
  3. Double stalk approx 2” each - $35 Single stalk approx 2” - $25 Attached pic of the mother Collection amk ave 4
  4. This the mama Multi branching. Approx 3” x 2.5” - $40 Collection amk ave 4
  5. Midas Blenny always resting on this monti. A close up on it’s pretty face. Flame Hawkfish.. blur looking as always. Another smaller Midas Blenny that has found a safe place for itself. Adopted these 2…. Blue Tang n Picasso Clownfish. My ‘Gem’ Scopas Tang These two….getting along pretty well… for now.
  6. Yellow spondoges (yellow dragon for some) approx 4” Multi branching - $30 Collection amk ave 4
  7. Multi branching Forest Fire Digi approx 3” x 3” - $30 Collection amk ave 4
  8. Thanks for interest. Chaeto taken.
  9. Hv a fist ball of chaeto to give. Collection amk ave 4
  10. Blastomussa colony approx 5” - $300 Grew from a frag I had purchase when Instartrd this tank. Collection amk ave 4
  11. ID of above should be Dino egg Price $20/frag
  12. Tinge of green base with purple blue polyps. Priority to sell whole piece approx 6” x 6” ($95). Frags approx 1.5” - $25 upwards depending on size. Collection amk ave 4
  13. Blastomussa colony approx 7-8cm - $120 Collection amk ave 4
  14. Big piece. Approx 10cm. Brighter than pics - $220 Collection amk ave 4
  15. Approx 4” x 4” multi branching - $40 Approx 3” x 3” thick branching - $25 Collection amk ave 4
  16. Thank you all. I am still learning from my pro sifu Adam. Very fortunate he still haven't given up on this tank owner yet. Thank you very much.
  17. Thank you all for interest. Item has been reserved.
  18. Big piece approx 4” x 4” - $25 Collection amk ave 4
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