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Everything posted by MarCal

  1. As above, want to trade monti for purple or other colours. Not trading the 1 in attached pic but similar frag. Size about 2.5"x 2.5". I'm located in AMK.
  2. MarCal

    FOC LR

    LR taken this morning. Thanks for all interest.
  3. MarCal

    FOC LR

    Sry, won't be home after 3pm till late night. Anyway, rocks are not soaked in salt water at the moment. It may not be able to last till late night..
  4. MarCal

    FOC LR

    Repost cos wrong title...lol.. Have 4 pcs of average size coraline encrusted rocks. Largest pcs about 10"x 6" and rest about 8"x 5". Collection at AMK ave 4, b4 10pm tonight or tomor morning will be good.
  5. MarCal

    FOR LR

    Have 4 pcs of average size coraline encrusted rocks. Largest pcs about 10"x 6" and rest about 8"x 5". Collection at AMK ave 4, b4 10pm tonight or tomor morning will be good.
  6. Hi, may I know where u bought the ice cube trays from? Have been searching around but so far no luck.
  7. Have the above to trade for purple or other colours beside lime green.
  8. I have some to spare if u r interested. Collection at AMK Ave 4
  9. Oops!! wrong expression...try again..lol Nice Specialized..
  10. U may wanna check out this site under buy n sell/marketplace to get rough idea price range for different make bikes. http://www.smbf.com.sg/forum/ http://www.togoparts.com/
  11. Oh no, bike mostly in Changi Coastal Road
  12. Thanks for info. Will ask bro to check it out.
  13. Anybody able to tell me where to purchase the above (for bro). Not sure if that's what u call them. Refering to those that nibble on ur dead skin.
  14. Hi, I have yet to trap all. At present only manage 1. 2 more to go.
  15. Large clearner shrimps for sale at $12 each.. With me almost 6mths. At present only 1 trapped. Trying to trap another 2 more in tank. All 3 for $30 if able to trap. Collection AMK Ave 4
  16. Just attach tube to something stiff..Like a long chopstick will do the trick.
  17. Check this out... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2535
  18. Possible to use common names or attach pics
  19. Trading the above, about 2" frags for nice zoos, mushrooms or other colour monti
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