i must say im totally amazed by this product. i got my ABC+M set 2 days ago and started dosing A Yesteday and B this morning. i dose 50% of recommanded dosage (250L @ 12.5ml per week) i've yet to dose C and M but guess what, within 24 hours of dosing A & B. i can see improvement on PE of my milli colony.
this was taken the day before i started grotech. i was dosing Red sea reef Energy A & B. Some PE but definitely not much.
This was taken about an hour ago, which means i've dosed 12.5ML of A & B already. can see obvious PE improvement! the deeper color was probably due to lighting.
maybe im overating this product since i've only used it for just A & B for a single dose it but seems like i'll be sticking to this brand from now on.
Thanks bro, i got myself another true perc but this time round i got 1 male only. It was near the top for 1 day and went to host he hammer coral on the next day.. one day after hosting the hammer its back to the top.. damn it. i hope it goes back down soon..
Got these today. will be replacing my Red sea Reef energy. More economical as well.
just dosed 12.5ml (50% for my 250L system) Coral A today and will dose B and the following day by day.. after reading so much on them, seems like most people use only 50% of recommanded dosage.
During day time..
at night.
i find the black/yellow sun i got opens only at night after lights off. My sun coral opens throughout almost all day long now..
Got them from freshnMarine. grain size can check from carib-sea website.. i love this sand, never regretted going for this sand. my tank's only 36cm so the wp40 does blows the sand a little.. can see from the above pics my right side is bare..but im fine with it..
i see some aussie scolly, acans, duncan and Some black sun corals.. cant really remember the rest.. didn't take a long look worried i may be tempted to buy.
anyway some healthy pellet eating royal gramma @ LCK201, i got a piece myself too.
Thanks, i do have SPS but its being blown by the wp40, the sun sun mainly blows the back area behind my rocks and into the rocks to prevent dead spots.. The rocks are where my fishes sleep so i thought i should stop it at night.. the 5000l/hr wavemaker is really strong.
Hey guys,
i was wondering who reduces the flow they have at night?
i have a wp40 running on 18v (2000l - 8000l/hr random flow) blowing across the whole tank(from left to right) and a Sunsun 5000l/hr water maker blowing (from right to left) from the back to the rockworks.
i currently use a timer to stop the sunsun 5000l/hr wave maker from 1 am (lights go off at 1230am) to 10am in the morning.
my main reason for doing so is to provide the fish with better sleeping environment.. i know in the ocean there is no night mode but there are tons of natural cave-like rock works that allow the fishes to hide in and sleep in calmer water.
im wondering anyone does the same as me?
They are not available in Singapore yet. It's 8000l/hr unless u have a huge tank 1 is enough.. From what I know wp25 use the same controller but jebao is working on a speed control controller now