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Everything posted by Evolutionz

  1. Hey guys, Im currently have a 1ft cube (with 36cm height) tank and i am using a 6x3w Beamswork (4 white 2 blue) LED however, i find that my tank's lighting is too white and its not bringing out the color of my zoas and rics.. if i switch to only blue light, the corals looks really nice.. therefore i would like to get a blue-er light set.. I've seen how good par38 are but their price turned me off.. So i went ebay to do a search and i found this interesting LED that uses the same fitting and design as the par38. with its E27 fitting, i can buy a housing with a plug. Heres some photo taken from the sale page.. Seller claim to use BridgeLux 3W High power LED and offer 60/90/120 degree lenses. The above picture shows a 7x3W red + blue combi meant for plants.. im thinking of getting a 4 blue (20k) + 3 white (10k) combo.. Any advice? has anyone tried to purchase such light set from ebay before? the total cost estimated (with purchase of E27 holder) is still less than half the price of a Par38 light bulb.
  2. fan can chill your tank down by 2 - 3C, recently the air is pretty cooling and my tank's at 26C (34L tank) with fan chilled.. usually will be 27C or at most 28C (seldom). down side will have to top up water.. i top up 500ml twice a day (morning and night).
  3. hmmm thanks for the ID guys.. probably cause my tank's new..
  4. Thanks for your help bro! i've yet to purchase ca, kh and mg test kit.. i do intend to get a tank to store salt water (with a pump running inside to circulate the water) and do 1.5L WC (which is around 5%) every 2 - 3 days... But only when i start stocking up the tank with more fishes and corals.
  5. Hey guys, i have a 34L tank with currently some zoas and ricordae inside.. i do 10% WC every week with red sea coral pro salt. i read online that major nutrients like calcium and mg are supplied by the weekly WC i do but im wondering if i need to dose extra other stuff like trace elements or strontium for my corals? and if i need to, what brand and what kind should i use? Thanks!
  6. Thanks alot for your help! i have yumas on the rock and im kinda clumsy.. better not try to do anything to it!
  7. Can take a look at my thread. Got show my filter.. www.sgreefclub.com/forum/topic/112100-budget-piconano-tank-possible/page-3 The iq skimmer is really slim and small so it can easily fit in my hob filter. The bio home goes in front of the wool cartridge and the rest at the back tgt with the skimmer. Like what others mentioned. C328 is a good place to get all this stuff.
  8. Interesting.. Are they bright enough for my 36cm height?
  9. Anyone saw any kind of all blue led light that is not too ex?
  10. Over 2 blue notes on madpetz.. I was thinking of the Hydor aqua color.. Wonder where can I find them
  11. Nope.. Air stone bubbles are way too big. Only air wood should be used and best the Sanders 2. They should be replaced monthly. I plan to replace every 3 weeks.
  12. Thanks for the recommendation but I'm kinda on budget.. They are too over priced for me!
  13. U can try the dolphin h-800. It's the biggest hang on filter I can find. 1020l/hr.. Big space compartment I fill the hob filter with a big handful of bio home plus, a dymax iq skimmer. 125ml of seachem purigen and 20g of rowaphos. That's the max I can go.
  14. Yes. The bottom cover can be taken out. If u use the original air wood. Most likely you won't get any skim. But then reviews have shown that at most it can give light brown to brown skimmate. But still very good considering it can fit perfectly in my dolphin hof!
  15. Hi guys. I have a 6x3 watt Beamswork led (4 white 2 blue) over my 31x31x36cm (34l) and although it is very bright I find the light kind of too whitish. Is there any blue moon light that will make my tank more blue?
  16. forget to mention that i also have a red-legged hermit inside. saw him picking off algae on this rock just now..
  17. Looking for the above item.. the hydor aqua color is the 0.4W (4LEDs) moonlight.. or if anyone see from any LFS pls let me know.. looking for goodbye! po4 too. Thanks!!!
  18. Hey guys, today i bought some yumas from another reefer but i did not know that the rock that came with the yuma has some green algae on it.. Heres a pic: My tanks new.. 3 weeks + old and its fully cycled. this yumas are my first corals so what should i do or what kind of algae eating critters should i buy to remove the green algae but not disturb the yumas? My tank's a 1ft cube (36cm height) 34l tank. Thanks!
  19. Here's the pic of a sanders 2 air wood.. bought it at c328.. And here is the skim i get from the airwood with dymax IQ skimmer.. been running for 1day+ and my tank's not stocked yet.. only 1 hermit crab inside when i started skimming my tank. hope this helps.
  20. Remember to get a Sanders 2 airwood to replace the original air wood.
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