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Everything posted by Evolutionz

  1. saw some Very nice brains, hammers , Super Sun coral and acans at iwarna! they are some other corals but i cant be sure what kind they are as for ah beng, lots of bubble, hammer, zoos, mushroom etc..
  2. As above. 1) 7x3W Par38 LED. - BridgeLux 3w LED. - 5 royal Blue and 2 10000k White. - Used for only around one week. - Standard E27 screw so just get a holder. - Can get holder from : Electrical shop behind ML, IKEA or Dymax Astro Light. - 90 degree lenses fitted. - Reason for selling : Just bought another par38 from the same supplier with more LEDs fitted. thus selling this. - Lenses are removable and can use without lenses. $50.. 3 days personal Warranty on this. 2) API No3, Po4 test kits. API No3 test kit left 50% with all original item included. API Po4 test kit left 90%. 2 sets actually.. Selling all 3 together for just $20. FOC Tropic Marin Calcium test kit BUT missing one of the 3 mix bottles. Bought it from a reefer only to find out that one part of 3 is missing. still quite full. SMS me at 9106-3934. Self collect woodlands area or jurong area during evening time. Thanks.
  3. woah 7 times! thats alot. I wonder if overkill by too much, will it skims out any good stuff?
  4. Woah the price... my new 2ft plan doesn't even need to use half of what u used to buy this lighting.. but certainly well spent for u!
  5. No, first pair of clown died one month ago within a few days. after that was fishless for a month plus till now...
  6. the other fella seems to be down with the same thing.. should i do freshwater dip?
  7. Just one day does disease come that fast? anyway this true perc is missing. Not sure if its dead but i cant find it through.. might have to go through the rocks to find the body.. i don't have much hope for this fella..
  8. Very true.. salt mix is like the backbone and brain of a marine set up. Best to pay abit more to go for reputable brand..
  9. Would be great if a new category is opened for nano.. Probably can name it nano TOTQ. so there's 2 TOTQ..
  10. total volume seems to be around 100L. Best to overskim. Can consider getting the BM Curve 5.
  11. Hey fellas, more than a month ago, bought a pair of false percular and they were down with brook. both died within days.. Now after more than a month, i left the tank fishless to clear off any parasites left.. added a pair of true perc from sea life just yesterday.. Both similar size (bad move).. There were some flarings.. both eating mysis shrimp.. Today noticed one fella swimming in a awkward manner and upon closer inspection.. i saw this. Noticed 2 growth on the body.. don't look light bite marks. The other fella still swimming normally. Any idea what is this?
  12. looks really good! wonder how much to DIY like that.
  13. RS Coral pro also can see lots of powder floating around when pouring salt into water. Im very happy with RS coral pro as of now.. only need 1 hour + to mix salt completely and achieving crystal clear water.. never had any cloudy problem with this salt..
  14. I have a frag of mohawk zoas which I left near the back of my tank and it grow very tall within a short period of time. Shifted it right in the middle of the tank where he will get the most light and within a few days. The longest stem dropped on its side and stuck itself to the rock. Growing a new polyp. The rest of the stem got significantly shorter too.
  15. Woah thats pretty bad! luckily u managed to fix it.. Anyway i'll be getting another overflow box from a reefer.. no idea what brand is it but should be able to work well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item plan as of now : Tank : 2x2x1.5 + 34L Sump with overflow box. Skimmer : Bubble Magus Curve 5 (if sump tank can fit), if not Nac3.5 Lighting : same as above stated. Might consider 2x T5 + LED combo.
  16. They are indeed stretching for light.
  17. I've enquired BMQQ from henry @ marinelife before and he told me can help order. other models you have to check with him.
  18. cheap and good will be Bubble Magus. Can get the Nac3.5( 100-300l) or if you can go for nac5a (300-500L) even better.. you never know if you are able to maintain small bioload.. better get bigger size one so no need to change in future..
  19. C328 do have quite a big of range.. maybe can list down what kind of flow and brand you looking for.
  20. alamak, everywhere also don't have. hard to find.. hahhaha thanks anyway!
  21. Hi guys, clearing some livestock. 1) Astera snails x2. the shell base is bigger than 50 cent coins. covered with coraline algae! reason for selling : too big for my tank.. prefer smaller snails. it helped me clean most of my brown and green algae! both going for just $5. 2) Green tequilla zoas. 25-30 polyps colony with bright green skirtings. Healthy and opening very well. Whatsapp me for picture. $20 for this colony. SMS/Whatsapp me at 9106-3934. collection at woodlands area.
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