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Everything posted by nuclear_fibre

  1. How about some clams, anyone? There were some really nice ones there.... Interesting how they are like totally inside the rock....
  2. Hooya@!!! Giant grouper in the house....
  3. Now can you see who's peeking at you??
  4. Tabling millis like these were everywhere. Imagine having one like this in your tank....
  5. Waters of Redang. Quite decently blue and clear.... Quite alot of fishes too...
  6. Hi guys, got back from a trip from Redang about 2 weeks back. Just thought i'd share with you reefers some pictures so that you'd get inspired and start more marine tanks... Ok i'll let the pictures do the talking.
  7. Wow wow wow!!!! So you got that piece huh..... frag and exchange leh...
  8. Bro Tangmaster, you can refer to my old pic which looks clearer. This is the same piece which i posted for sale for $30 sometime back if i'm not wrong. Bro yongshun, hope you like it...
  9. Red and white, with hinges of green and yellow in the centre..
  10. Haha you have alot of hidden treasures bro..... dun wanna show the world only.... Or you PM me and attach ur coral pictures la.. in case ppl see already eyes red....
  11. Thanks for the compliments bro... I will reveal my FTS, but slowly la... haha ornot it will be anti-climax wad... Just send me a msg anytime you need.. i'll try to answer what i can... Glad you like the bracket though.....
  12. Red.... and yellow....... and pink..... and green....... Purple and Orange and Blue......... I can sing a rainbow..... sing a rainbow.... Sing a rainbow too.... =) Seems like the tourism Australia advertisement song is quite a good fit for this Acan Lord huh!
  13. Thanks bro... do show us ur acans too!! Anyway, these are not from GO...
  14. Haha show us ur recent purchases mate.... Meanwhile, here's another aussie acan lord for you... Bright bright orange.....
  15. Thanks bro... yes it is in my tank now...
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