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Everything posted by magical26

  1. Thanx for responding bro, care to share a little more on this good product? Like how much u dose? How far did it effectively remove nitrate? One bottle can last how long w/o skimmer? Sure sounds like a good product to buy...
  2. hi bro, more interesting is how it fits? Cos from this link below, the size(dimensions) stated like cant fit in the back compartments of nano cube lei... unless put in the main tank... http://www.marineandreef.com/shoppro/fission_skimmer.htm maybe bro richie can help to enlighten us here...
  3. Hmm... Dunno without protein skimmer can work anot?
  4. Anyone tried these? http://www.reefdepot.com.sg/AddProduct.asp?ProdID=1009 http://www.reefdepot.com.sg/AddProduct.asp?ProdID=997 http://www.reefdepot.com.sg/AddProduct.asp?ProdID=625 Dunno whether how good they are or do they really work. Jus thought of consulting more old birds here. Cos got some products i know on the mkt, that claim a lot of stuff, but actually not that accurate.
  5. Thanks for the info, was really a long article. But helpful and informative none the less. Btw, any lao jiao here would like to share how to keep nitartes down? i would like to feed jus a bit more, but i worry that nitatres would go up. Its not the fish that i'm concern, its my sun coral. cos i herad its not good for them to go on without food for too long. Whatever that is recommended, just dun tell me to use denitrator. Haha, no $ and no space...
  6. Well, jus be more hardworking initially when u start i guess. Life as a reefer might not be as hectic once your tank is more stable i guess. Thats all i can say for now... So how is your tank? Wats the outcome?
  7. So, does anyone out there know of some good measures to keep nitrates down in a nano tank? As for me, i try to control my feeding and do regular water changes. WhiteFish, how are your nitrates level at this point?
  8. OK, thanx for the confirmation and clarification Nanotako. WhiteFish should feel better already...
  9. Errmm... that i am not too sure. But i guess it also depends on where we buy them
  10. You are most welcome... I believe in helping others so that we can all enjoy this hobby together. Its already expensive enough, and its gonna be worse if we learn things the hard way. So lets jus learn along and help each other out, cos i believe i'm no pro as well. So, i might require advice and help in the future, and i sure hope ppl would genuinely offer their tips, and advices too... haha Enough said, you can purchase SeaChem De*Nitrate from most major LFS around S'pore. Its NOT MATRIX, i refer u to the wrong product, i'm so sorry bro. Thank God you haven buy, if not kana scold liao... haha I will refrain from stating names of shops here, but if u do require further details, feel free to PM me k... Just head down to some pretty big and well known LFS can liao... I dun think those small neighbourhood LFS selling fresh water guppy and tetras would carry this product. So u can jus save the trip on checking these smaller neighbourhood shops. As for the fishes, dun worry abt them starving, they wont. Other bros on this forum, perhaps can help chip in on whether i'm rite or wrong? I may be wrong, but all my fishes are still alive and doing alright. Anyone care to feed more info pls feel free k... Thanks in advance All the best! Cheers!
  11. Like that... I can live with it looking like that hahaha From the pic, u can see a mini "air-con look-a-like" fan that helps with keeping heat out. So far my tank has been about 26 degrees without chiller. Well, the fan is running 24/7, and my lights only come on at nite. So, afternoon is hot --> but got fan to cool it down, at nite is hot with lights on --> but my fan is still able to bring the heat down. This is how i try to stablise the temp of this nano tank. Anyone with brighter ideas, pls contribute. Plus i dun on my air con in the living area. I figured i wanted to have more light to play safe. This is one way i guess, 4 X T5 (ATI) The pic was some time back, so some corals that u guys previously saw were not in yet. And i removed that purple dottyback at the right side of my tank. Its nasty man... It went around nipping other fishes, darn!!! And the gonio at the left bottom was doing well than, thanx to my clown, its in heaven liao... haha. Never trust some LFS ppl, haha
  12. Thanks a lot. Nice tank u got, i read your thread too... All the best... Cheers!!!
  13. Mine never hit 20ppm. Maybe cos i change water every week. Changing water once a week is the best bet, perhaps might be even better than getting a skimmer and try to squeeze it in one of the back chambers.(JMO) As for nitrate levels, it really depends. Although we have the same tank. but the amount of livestock we have differs, the size of our livestock defers as well, our feeding habits defers, etc... But from wat i know, i dun feed my fishes too often, maybe once every 3 days,that means 2X per week. And i always off the pump when i feed, but i leave the wavemaker on in order to circulate things around. Just ensure all the food is eaten up can liao... I feed my corals 2X per week as well, once with liquid food, another with cyclopeeze. Same thing, rem to off the pump and skimmer (if u got 1) and let the food jus sway about. One thing i did was to time my feeding jus before my water change. Eg, i do a full feeding of my fishes and corals on fri night, than sat afternoon is the day i usually do a 15% water change. Thus, nitrates exportation. You can try this http://www.seachem.com/products/product_pages/Matrix.html product as well. I just tried it, but i was too lazy to test my nitrates ( cos i already know its low ). Plus, it also acts like some sort of LR rubble that people put in their filtartion to aid beneficial bacteria growth as well. Therefore, if i were to change it out, i would perhaps jus rinse the bag and take out abt 1/3 of its contents and top it off with fresh ones. Hope this helps my friend...
  14. Well, from experience, we cant always trust LFS ppl. Of cos there are good ones out there, but they are really really really rare ( get the hint ) Best bet is to do your homework before buying. Just got to keep reading up i guess...
  15. In my last 2 pics, my clown keeps messing with my Gonio. Than it started rotting off, and i had to get rid of it.
  16. yup, there is... But i cant seem to get it to fit properly. Its pretty flimsy and falls off easily. So far, no casualties from it thou. Thanx for the reminder dou
  17. Not sure what are these corals, but some told me its called Galaxea. Anyone care to enlighten? I like this Yellow Stripe Maroon a lot, in the background is a White Tube Worm Currently, i am doing my WC weekly, never missed one so far. And i add PH buffer to my newly prep water. I'm also dosing a little Purple-Up once a week as well.
  18. Hi everyone, i started my journey in setting up a marine aquarium abt 2.5 mths ago. Everything seems to be looking good and i thought of sharing my journey with u folks. Anyway, i've decided on the JBJ nanocube 24G after hearing both good and bad reveals on it. To be honest, there isn't a particular brand out there that is completely perfect. Every brand has its pros and cons, and i figured out it boils down to what we really want, and what we are willing to compromise. ( JMO ) Well, i started with already cured LR from an established tank, and therefore did not see much of a cycle even after a few weeks. After testing my water repeatedly, i was finally comfortable to start adding my CUC after abt 3 weeks. My 1st chamber consists 1 piece of the stock sponge and a little added wool ( i believe some form of mechanical filtering is impt although some others disposed the sponge totally ) My 2nd chamber consists of RowaPhos ( obviously to combat the phos ), Chemi-Pure, and Seachem's carbon. My 3rd chamber sits a maxi-jet 1200 ( swap out the stock pump, currently using it for mixing salt ) Other mods include my Hydor wavemaker #1 and my lightings. For my lightings, i removed the customed hood and replaced it with 4X24W T5, all my tube bulbs are from ATI.As i was scaping my LR, i wanted a open concept and not just have a heap of LR rite in the middle of my tank and some corals sticking out, its just my personal preference all along. So, i aimed for that. Enough said, a pic is better than a thousand words. This is how my FTS currently looks like. I currently have 3 clowns ( a maroon, occelaris, and tomato ). They are all well paired and haven really been aggressive so far ( except for some occasional chasing around that we sometimes noticed once a blue moon ) My HammerHead Coral My Zoos My Sun Coral It took much time, effort, and sweat to feed it. But its worth the effort once i see it open up beautifully. Once in a while my darn cleaner shrimp and hermit will try to dig for food everywhere including on my sun coral. Thus, they jus have to close for now. My Clam I thought it was gaping at 1st, but its doing well now. Guess it needed some time to settle down in the sand My Favia It was doing well at 1st, but i noticed it bleached a little, so i moved it to a more shaded area
  19. hi scubajazz, u got a nice tank. Love that madarin fish. where did u buy it from? Btw, wats the name of the coral beside ur zoos?
  20. hi scubajazz, u got a nice tank. Love that madarin fish. where did u buy it from? Btw, wats the name of the coral beside ur zoos?
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