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Everything posted by andysho

  1. andysho

    Sps swop

    Will be more happy if you have staghorn to trade lol
  2. And one thing is they can walk miles and miles i wonder without having a compass~~ how come they know the direction so well without getting lost in the jungle of forest lol
  3. Wat are the 2 new products for zeovit now?
  4. it look yellowish in my tank under BLV 10 k bulb Guess if under 20 k .. it will look greenish Still wondering wat teh colour of the tip of the acro will turn out to be
  5. andysho

    Sps swop

    i might break the attached digitat into some frags to trade for other acro frag let me know if you have extra sps to trade tks
  6. Ok tks ..... where you place it . mid or top ?
  7. Hi weileong ask you .. the no sixth pic..wat acro is that ar i also have one like taht..... nice ... got frags to sell lol
  8. Please bear in mind that butterflies fishes are not easy to keep they have high demand for feeding~~~ If you cant supply them with proper feeding and good water paremeter please dun keep them
  9. I wonder how many of us set Great goals in life... be it work, family etc..... reefkeeping.... Lol Sometimes after setting the Goal~~~ some might tend to give up due to many many reasons But one thing for sure , there is always this popular proverb if you fail to plan .. you plan to fail or Winners always write it down watever they think is useful
  10. i think only by having a salea job that without an income ceiling is a big $$$ know ppl that earn up to 150,000 at least a year
  11. Sorry bro no digital camera leh so cant post pictures
  12. I think nowdays reef keeping is so much easy with advance equipment and knowledge being share one another.... The old reefers have to try out the prons and cons and invest large sum of money due to lack of marine knowledge in those old days All i want to say is new reefers stay humble and learnt from the oldies Once you decide going into this hobby ..prepare to spent some money or else in the end the one who suffer is not anyone but are those poor little fishes and nice corals Sometimes i came across seeing ppl asking Q from the shop owner about this fish and that fish, without knowledge , just buy all at one shot , esp those few dollars damsels or clowns For Goodness sake~~~ those are live stocks~~ they are not your lab testing animals My 2 cents worth
  13. hi I am selling the above for 25 bucks been with me for months , very healthy .. and nice attached to rock pm me at 90686016
  14. Some can even master to the stage of having immune to highly posion liquid or so Normally the Ladies will use hairpin to check for whether the wine or food contains poision lol one thing for sure ... they dun really have any extra clothes at all Episode adter episode.. tehy always wearing the same clothes
  15. IBM> is it the one in changi (behind expo)
  16. just like to add one point true green octopus coral is the luminuous one type not the normal one tks
  17. Hi i am selling my true green oct at 45 bucks very healthy interested pls call me at 90686016 collect at bedok
  18. Watever ... Pls do not use live animals .. as a quick profit If one want to earn tons of money ~~ nothing wrong~~ But dun ever use animals ,, be it fishes , dogs ,cats..... Animals are innocent!!!!!!!
  19. Well i think no one will put up their hands , but for some fishes~~~ those algae are their favourite lol
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