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Everything posted by andysho

  1. Just came back after watching "The Myth" It was a great show ~~~ by Jackie Thumbs up For Such a unique Show~~~!!
  2. anyone selling the above Thanks pm me
  3. ops pose wrong forum can mod help me to move it thanks
  4. In this fast going society , almost everyone want to be a high flyer and earns lots of $$$ Big houses , cars , country clubs and expensive holidays are dreams of eveyone living in this world How much $$$ is value in this society compare to the word Love now Is $$$ taking over Love now
  5. i use distilled water too :Life brand from NTUC (65 cents per 1.5 L bottle)
  6. Yep the Logo Toy Too expensive in those days No money to afford it
  7. Me now slowly stocking up again Of course , with zeovit system again Taking every preventive measure against bugs as far as i can with my knowledge And of course learn from those Zeovit master here
  8. I dose around 2 drops of AA into my 2 feet cube tank daily
  9. I dose zeovit AA , wonder who else here use it?
  10. it seems that no one here like lego which are still on the market now
  11. Hi reefers wat were your favourte cartoon while you were young? He - man ? Transfomer? mask ? ultra man? Mine is Transformer~~ real cool stuff
  12. hi Dont think your light will be sufficient to keep clams not only light is a main concern , but good water parameter is also another concern Suggest you read up more before going into clam keeping
  13. you can pm cookiemuster he will give you proper advise
  14. Hi weilong my original post mean nothing bad~~ wat i am trying to put is it is that that might be some reefers just wondering who is him~~ Further more anything regarding to the photoshots that he posted from the start till now~~ i never post anything negative in regard about his two photo Sps shots
  15. I have that problem before then i got the fan fixed it up and it run as per normal again
  16. well , maybe there are ppl who dun mind buying those unhealthy corals that are not packed in good condition money too much ... wat to do
  17. hi weilong dun get me wrong , I am not asking to post for his pictures neither i did mention in my statement that can someone post his photos? i have nothing against him or wat tks
  18. they all were being packed like rojak sia
  19. seeing so many of you giving comments on alanseah and i wonder a lot of reefers here will wonder how he look like?
  20. I think each tank have its own unique looking way Sometime i think even if one claim his tank is the best looking one , who knows one fine day , bad things can just happen Then will see who have the last laught~~~
  21. Wat is reefkeeping nowdays in your own views Reefkeeping is ~ to have a tank of corals so that you can everday stare at it to know more reefers so can expand your circle of friends to make own tank become the best so that can become the top and put other's tank down(those who are lower level) Each have its own way of keeping corals, might not be the best but as long is throught own effort~~ that is real beauty etc..............
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