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Everything posted by andysho

  1. Hi weileong.... long time long time never been to be able to see your tank in real life Hope one day can come your house and see your tank again lol Anyway thumbs up for your well mantained tank lol
  2. Well , my atman chiller have broke down three times first the thermostat , 2nd the fan motor then the 3rd transistor However , after fixing it up by cookie muster friend for the past many many months .. i been sleeping in peace
  3. I use distilled water to top up , life brand from NTUC 65 cent per 1.5L bottle
  4. blue sponge is not easy to keep they have a special demand of food best leave them alone in the wild
  5. those info i list down were given by one of the pioneer reefer in local using zeovit system...... just to share all this info~~ is up to one to follow a not lol
  6. hope this info helps tissue loss from tip 1. low sg 2. run rowa with zeovit 3. kh above 8 4. overdose tissue loss from base 1. low kh less then 5.5 2. low ca lesss then 400 mg 3. overdose of elements 4. overdose zeobac n zeostart 5. high sg above 35ppt
  7. Hi any jigsaw puzzle collectors there? beacuse i might be selling my 2000 pcs jigsaw puzzle pix of a church grow in the dark .. comes with frame
  8. For me , i think the most fast growing industry are slimming centre , every now and then ... we can see new slimming centre popping everywhere~~~ Ladies are prepare to spent $$$$ just to slim down.... for health or beauty? just to name a few ...jean Yeap , Expression , X trim .... Maybe in the next 10 years ~~ wat you see are only slimming ladies in singapore i weight 80 kg , After two months i weight 5o kg /... sos and sooo my bf said i look like a boucer or hippo this and that lol Even you flip open the newspaper or just tv commercial ... almost all the ad are being focus on different type of beauty businesss
  9. Day by Day ,humans are destroying nature So cant blame nature for destroying human nature~~~
  10. Hi reef.... I have one piece that look like yours in the 1st piece in your pix do you know wat is the actual name of it? any special requirement tks
  11. Yep sometime we chose and picked in a rush then after reaching home , omg how come ended up like that #$@#$#$
  12. I cant imagine if one there will be a real huge size table acro maybe weight 300 kg (just imagine) Are we going to sit on it ?
  13. pretty true one day we will grow our own vega and eat it after overspending on corals esp sps
  14. one day they will eat humans also or maybe worse to worse eat grass
  15. Cook the rocks in boiling water~everything will sure die out Lol just joking
  16. Came across an article in straits time stating that fried starfish is sellling at $3 Can you imagine china ppl got such an idea eating starfish
  17. Yep lor~~ sorry to correct it looks greenish when i brought but after i place it into my tank it look yellowish but i got took the sps out from the water and look at it lol guess i am not good at colours Anyway saw some trying to hammer out one large staghorn and sharing it lol
  18. I brought a small piece of yelllowish sps at PR today... however when i placed it into my tank , it look like yellowish under my blv 10 k light Any comments ( sorry i not good in color or so)
  19. Hmmm Wat about first love in sch? No worries about money, work , just hold hands and etc
  20. There are always ppl comparing own standard of living with the rest Rich vs Poor Some will put it at a point that to be able to survive in this world is so tought in this modern fast moving society.... Not able to take it~~~ then will start to quote "Why am I born in this world" Share your views lol
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