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Everything posted by Eniram

  1. Any reefer kept 2 speices of Genicanthus (Swallowtail Angels) before in a 150G tank. pls share your experience.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. yikai


      you're welcome

    3. kueytoc


      I have both pairs of Bellus & Watanabei. My alpha male Watanabei is the 'big boss' here. But no prob so far. U may want to introduce small sizes as they are much tolerated than bigger sizes. U will luv their graceful nature.

    4. Eniram


      Thank you guys for your advice. Till now bellus is the boss, all is calm except for the female melanospilos. Downgraded to sump tank.

  2. Sorry bro for diluting your tank thread. Not forgetting tangs, they too love to peck on rocks covered in algae.
  3. Yup totally agree with you on algae growth YK, i noticed in most well balanced tank, algae growth are in small manageable size. From the experience i learnt from my first tank i say some algae growth is needed for a well balanced tank.
  4. This is another thread from one of his good friends. He bought changchi's first marine tank, also mega huge one and nice setup. Enjoy http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1738995
  5. Nice shots of your tank and corals, you have a blue pocci???? Time to get a frag from you! Don't thank me for the rock bro, thank the creator who made this rock and thank the poor fishermen that had to pick this rock from shark infested water. I just happened to be there and ask mama if its on sale. Yellow leather corals from tonga are expensive but they don't come in very often. One of my softies melted on me don't know why but i suspect it could be stung by my hammer. Regret getting this hammer!!! Loving the softies and sps from tonga. Hope our lfs bring them in more often. Somehow i notice that the film of green algae growth is some what common, Ah Lee's tank has some and corals are doing very well. CA has some but different algae growth also good healthy corals. Jack also has some but also different totally rare algae, corals are all tops. So i think its part and parcel of the marine cycle therefore i am also letting algae grow but somewhere else. Don't flame me i'm just using some common observation.
  6. High potential to be a 3 view tank? Inside and outside
  7. Ah beng has a 5 inch adult size and coloration Queen angel. Its the tank nearest to the lionfish and eels tank. Call him to reconfirm Fresh shipment at Ah beng. Philippines
  8. Yes its still available. No it doesn't come with a holder to be hang. Only leg stands for the lights.
  9. Ah beng has some anglers, light brown in colour, CF has one red orange one. Pls call CF to confirm
  10. Wow stunning coral, looks like a rhizo
  11. Yes your GBT is melting take it out. Red slime, 2 articles that you might want to read up on http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=147010&highlight=valonia+control http://www.reeftime.com/reef-articles/reef-health/cyanobacteria-red-slime-algae/48.htm
  12. My BOP yesterday had some trimming as tips were covered in algae, so far so good, i see pink with green tinge and full polyp extension. Thanks again for being a foster home. Will start a thread soon.....hahaha i hope...
  13. What about those acros with dirty green colour, are they considered as brown? i have a piece that ain't green nor brown but in btw. Any idea if its normal?
  14. Here is his RC link http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1823130&highlight=zen+tank Lots of pics and details happy reefing every one! 2011
  15. Any reefer had the success of turning brown sps to colourful beauties? If there are pls post some pics, i think this would inspire fellow reefers to persevere and not give up on brown sps
  16. Blue colour brings out the colours in your corals, i would recommend 1. Blue 2. White 3. Purple (red) 4. Blue
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