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Everything posted by Eniram

  1. Sad to hear about your Gamma bro....mine also disappeared after like 3 days.
  2. Hey there, Multicolour and Golden can be found at CF.....Multi left 1, Golden there are about 3 left and all 3 are very very good specimen. Quick go down to CF don't wait liao
  3. Hi there bro, sorry about the damsel hope its with someone taking really good care of it. Why not you keep seahorses and pipefish? Looks very ideal.
  4. Hi there is a substantial number of buyers will the DIY drip be cheaper?
  5. Hey reefers found a growth on my bleenie, a white patch with a bulge at the side. It looks internal. Any reefers experienced this before? Pls advice
  6. Hi bro okie i have post my picture of my sump, pls advice. No the chiller is not running 24hrs, how does one check the thermostat and thermometer? Do i need to dismantle the chiller?
  7. Here is the blue spotted mushrooms.
  8. So what are your current 3 angels that you are keeping? Saw many singapore angels at T95 you might wanna head down
  9. Thanks for the comments, planning to keep angels therefore planned many holes for them to swim in. By any chance do you know why when chiller temp is set at 24 but main tank temp is 27~28? Maybe i'll post my sump tank layout and maybe someone out there can advice me.
  10. Alright guys decided to post some pictures of my tank. Current tank is running about 1.5mths.......Please give your comments. Purchased it at the recent Aquarama a pretty good deal i would say, plus managed to bump into a long lost very experienced reeefer. Got a pretty good deal on a Skimmer from him and also not forgetting the T5 light fixtures. Equipments are TECO chiller TR15 Solite T5 fixtures Reef Octopus skimmer.
  11. Hey bro the damsel reserved is it for me? Jeremy
  12. Hi Digiman, Got this problem with the coral beauty, its rear fin and dorsal fins has some sort of rot or something bit off a small chunk, and saw some ich/white spots on its pectoral fin. Its in my betta box and the thing is will the white spots/ich spread to the main tank? My yellow tail pygmy angel has abit of that. If its ich any cure other than using copper base medication?
  13. Hey thanks, i wonder what sponges does it eats?
  14. Found this chap on one of my liverocks, must have survived my FWD, pls anyone out there help me ID this and also does this nudi eat Zoas?
  15. Hey guys, anyone letting go a 2nd hand MP40W?
  16. Bro can go down tomorrow say in the afternoon to get the rocks from you?
  17. Hi bro, how much are you letting the rocks go per Kilo and do you have contact num?
  18. Didn't knew isopods suck blood from fishes!
  19. Hey guys found this morning a bug like creature hanging on the side of my clown, didn't get a picture but manage to catch the clown and pick the pest out. Anyone out there know what pest is this, can't seem to find it online. No it left a sort of curved bite mark.
  20. I'm actually very surprised that the Eibli is aggressive, i guess i will try the coral beauty and place it in a betta box. thanks
  21. Hey guys got a problem with my Pygmy Angel and Eibli Angel. Bought these 2 angels at the same time just that the Pygmy was qurantined for 1 day. Initial Pygmy chased the the Eibli around and now its the reverse. When will it stop? I've got ample live rocks. Will it onlu stop when one dies? Also my uncle's Coral beauty isn't very welcomed in his tank as his PBT cornered that poor chap into surrender and his intending to give it to me. So how qurantine the coral beauty?
  22. Hey guys did a mixture with dwarf angel feed and some brine shrimp, my angel just took a bite and spit it out. Normal or will they take some time to get use to? Also before this they were eating brine shirmp happily. Any advice?
  23. Hi digiman, Bought a pack of Ocean Nutrition from Aquamarine but how does one feed angels with? its very different from the frozen brine shrimp, do i let it thaw till liquid then feed them or just throw the whole cube into the tank?
  24. Thats damm sad man, Multibarred inexpensive? Not sure about the Venustus The last i checked at a LFS it was going at $33 and thats was like 1 week later. Unless expensive is in 3 digit figure.
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