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Everything posted by Eniram

  1. any pictures of your skimz sidea light set?
  2. Sell me your orange mushroom since its blocking the view
  3. No problem, hope it will propagate in your tank
  4. Thanks jacky! Nice rockscape too! Yes must save them!
  5. Thx for the advice guys will try to catch them out and will either do a FWD or let them swim in para guard.
  6. here are some pictures that maybe it'll help, pic is a bit blur sorry about that.
  7. I know its a quiz but the pic is really small possible to have some clues?
  8. Another trick that i read from overseas reefers is that they will place the prepared fish food into ice cube holders. Once its frozen into cube shapes you can place them into ziplock bags.
  9. hahaha i think because you have all the ho liao and we should be asking you?
  10. Hi reefers, Anyone experienced your Tru Perc having sort of like a lock jaw and not able to close its mouth. I don't think its brooklynella cause its more then 48hrs and they are still swimming but can't eat Pls advice thx
  11. Right right yea they have a tub with all the LPS and SPS!! Must use this small clear box to view the corals in the tub!
  12. Not bad video clip, it would do best if the MC would stop saying Asian Food Channel Next time you can do wedding power point slides for your friends! Was looking through the books and chance upon the blue coral you bought from LCK, Cespitularia! It is a GEM not often collected for the hobbyist! and it also comes in green! Now, that i will keep a look out. Nonpulsatile, found in reduced water clarity and if proper care is given it will propagate!
  13. What are the side effects if i don't remove those flat worms?
  14. read on RC that some use FW dip so is it advisable? Or must i use salifast flat worm removal kit
  15. yea its a i would say medium sized white ones! will try as one will need to zoom really in or a macro shot! Nope its not those small brown ones we find on mushies! Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and your family
  16. wa so fast! 1,3,4,5.....no takers for number 2?
  17. Visiting more or less done, tmrw is the heavy one. Back home tonight to prepare mega dinner so am preparing and helping out. You don't need to keep exquisite! a couple of carpenter flasher wrasse will do miracle! and its cheap and beautiful! Well if you keep 2 lion fishes you just need to feed only 2 and not 50! Maybe that's what i'll do the next time round! See how will call you tonight if we are going over. Can't wait for the LFS to open shop! wanna get my hands on a fox coral! found a place to slot it in! wooo hoo!! only GO is open but super duper X pensive man! Shan will be laughing his way to the bank! while we cry to the car!
  18. Hi reefers, anyone out there experienced the above infestation on your Hammer, Frogspawn, True Octo and Torch. I have not come across any flat worms affecting euphyllia before and there is no mention of it in the literature. I will try and get a photo when i get the time. Has any one experienced this? Will this affect other coral? What would the solution be? Thanks
  19. 19)Eniram (simei) 20)wilsontantw (Bedok Reservoir)
  20. Well Eniram foster home for the grown too big fishes are always welcome! hee hee......so what fishes you plan to have? Dwarf? Wrasse? Lionfish? Species tank sounds very cool for a 2.5 footer tank!
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