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Everything posted by Eniram

  1. Error appeared on the link. Enter gallery and what i see are aquarium of the worlds, sps, zoas, lps.....no src marine fish database
  2. Don't think can add anymore angels, resident angels and fishes are all very territorial now. Even my long time CB is now in the survival of the fittest list, didn't see it for sometime already. Furthermore i think the angels are paired up, doing mating and flaring moves once lights hits dusk. Do keep us posted. Sad to hear about the multibar and colini. Hey do you know any reason why my cesptitularia isn't expanding as before? JK says could be nutrient lv too low, whats your take?
  3. Lemon can post pics of your japanese swallow tail angel and also any updates on your multibar and colini angels
  4. Bro are you using Iwarna's pre packed calcium chloride to dose? if you are how often do you dose and how much?
  5. bloody hell it looks more complicated than the one in london!
  6. Pic too small can't see looks like a pocci. Actually i'm eyeing the orange base green tip one.
  7. Sell you the crab? no need bro RB Caribbean shipment will have alot of this algae eaters, which is tmrw.
  8. Oh you might want to try emerald crab. I have 1 in my tank and its a fantastic algae eater! practically scraps the algae off the rock surface. Hair and bubble algae gone. Tmrw RB will have shipment.
  9. What sps is that? don't mind a frag hee hee
  10. doesn't look like nuisance algae but most fishes especially tang will consume them
  11. Alot where not doing well when i was there yesterday.
  12. Bandit angel at LCK.... Tail spot belnny, Fuzzy lion fish (could have Id worngly) unique seldom seen before ABT (adult size) Passer angel (adult size)
  13. wow nice shot and great growth, the tri colour sps is it the one i help you identified?
  14. Redang dive trip from 12~15 aug 470 need 2 more divers

    1. clee123



      How many people we confirmed going?

  15. This is for you all who were stuck in the flood and almost vomit blood when the PUB didn't call you back
  16. evil! i think digiman will have lemon juice
  17. from the picture i see that your RBTA is just removing waste from its system, RBTA eat and shit through their mouths. Shouldn't worry too much just monitor them.
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