Hi reefers, can't seem to ID this species, looked through books and online source but till can't find something that looks similar. Base on the looks of the petals i suspect its a xenia, can someone reconfirm this. thx
YK, have you kept kenya tree coral before? Read that its toxic to LPS and stony corals, could this toxic (chemical warfare) be the same as leather corals or is more of physical warfare?
Its not the LFS fault, its the supplier from overseas. They will at times bleach anemones, gonopora, mushrooms and other corals that can be bleached to give it a more exotic appearance.
Also do watch out for dyed corals especially anemones
Nice zoas....if you're staying in singapore the only backyard that i can think of is Sentosa!!
Looked through the idzoas and can't seem to get a close id on those zoas. Any chance of a close up shot