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Everything posted by Eniram

  1. Yes would like to second on what LL mentioned. They can be found in SEA waters and i personally saw it during my recent dive trips in M'sia, saw a orange octo that you described! Was very surprised to find it in asian waters. So i guess these gems can be found in SEA and not in Oz where all the hype and inflation from down under corals.
  2. Farewell my paired friends. Hope you'll be taken care of

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eniram


      All of the angels except the pygmy.

    3. peacemaker


      Jeremy, time to update on your progress!

    4. Eniram


      Nothing much has happened except for getting the style of design that i want rather than what the tank maker thinks its good.

  3. Alright bro welcome back and good job on making an effort on your punctuations.
  4. Selling the above fish for $50, have been with me for 08mths, feeds on pellets and frozen, size about 2". Currently in a blue holding tub, interested parties pls PM me. Place to view Simei, seller shall reserve the right to sell to any interested party with a stabilized tank and with at least some reefing experience. Picture taken from LA. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=15+16+446&pcatid=446 Thank you
  5. There you go wilson, enough +ve comments to help you pull through, hang in there. If you need some relief from reefing you know where and who to find. Oh just for info i was away for 8 days and my returned pump KO. So i guess we were in the same flt but different seat number! wahahaha
  6. Sad to hear about that wilson, hang in there.
  7. A total of 60mins has been wasted since fellow reefer toravisu was stung. Lesson to be learnt is to seek immediate medical attention when such incident happens instead of hanging around on SRC. Could have been a life and death situation, plus a 1st incident in SRC to be a DOA statistic. Any reefer who has his contact pls give him a sms to check if he's alright or if you're doing well drop a note. Thank you.
  8. Seen the wavemaker and its still in good running condition! Upz for this kind reefer.
  9. Eating humble pie No problems on the light combo, take your time. Read on RC alot of reefers use a 50-50 tube distribution, meaning 8 tube fixtures, 4 blueplus 4 aquabluespecial. Don't get me wrong i'm just looking at the popularity on the combo and the effects it has on coral growth and colorations
  10. Vincent what are the light tubes that you are using and the placement?
  11. I meant if we could frag the wrasse like what we do with corals....
  12. How reefers here wish you could frag your wrasse and sell them!
  13. Sorry but your title says $400 but your message says $450. Pls advice
  14. Thanks, $50 for all. Individual rocks going for $2 a piece. Currently reserved will update if buyer backs out
  15. Didn;t know i had so many rocks in my tank! 3 foot styrofoam box all filled up to the brim

    1. cedricang


      Same concept when you move house :)

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