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Everything posted by Eniram

  1. I've witnessed before a school of PBT sweeping through a reef in search of alage, the sight and feeling is amazing, not sure if my archive still has them will dig it out. One thing I noticed the butterflies around the reef don't really eat coral polyps, they are sort of cleaning the debris and alage off the sps. I spotted a pair of Pakistani butterflies under a table acro, too bad the shot wasn't well taken but will post later. Another thing to add is that they are always in pair. Hope you guys like the deep purple humilies! Woot amazing colour. Will make any sps fan freak out.
  2. Huge flower pot coral Melon butterfly fish Deep purple humilis Lemond butterfly fish (milletseed butterfly)
  3. Here are some pictures of the fishes and corals that are abundant in the Maldives. The water is nice, cool and crystal clear, waves are very rapid and torrent. Had a hard time swimming back into the protective lagoon. Coral colours are amazing! unbelievable colours but amongst the beauty some area around the corals are filled with hair algae and patches of diatoms. Sad sight to see but i believe mother nature has a way to counter this issues. Hope by next year when i go back the corals would have blossomed. Enjoy This is for you cedric! Moorish Idoh
  4. Now some shots of my fishes Centropyge aurantius (Golden Angel) Springeri Damsel Caribbean Spotted hawkfish Zebrasoma desjardini (Sailfin Tang) Hijacked someone's crab
  5. Updates for the mth of August. Full Tank Shot running on 4 Aqua Blue and 2 Aqua Blue Special My current 4 beauties, 1 was t-loan and will be returned tomorrow. Some shots of my current corals.
  6. From the shape of it's mouth it doesn't look reef safe.
  7. Am looking for used UV 36W or higher. Reefers who have one in storeroom pm me the picture, wattage and possible the brand thanks
  8. Getting mine this weekend....thanks for the recommendation! Woot woot woot
  9. YK, are you running a ozonizer together with your 55W UV?
  10. Thank you all for your well wishes, happy birthday to you too ah Xiang
  11. Most welcome to come and frag my sps. Lazy la, must transfer to comp then resize, leh jeh
  12. Wahahaha, she is so funny, I'm so gonna cook curry! Be it Japanese curry, Malay curry, Indian curry, Peranakan curry, Devils curry I'm gonna support my fellow Singaporean!
  13. Thanks, yea initially very reluctant to set up a thread but hey what the heck let's join in the fun. Also I noticed you've revive your new tank thread
  14. Hey KY! Wow it's been a long time since i've heard from you. Hows it going? Anytime you can drop by to take a swim anytime, my doors always open
  15. Just to clarify, it's just the led strip w/o driver?
  16. Any chance that aunty can reserve till I go down and see it? Not in town
  17. Hahaha, can I also be on the list, all I have are a cryptic Angel and a juv harlequin.
  18. Any chance the ARMITAGEI angelfish (flagfin x cream angel hybrid) looks like this http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1724390
  19. Digiman, were you the one that got the poliorous angel from cf?
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