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Everything posted by Jameshong

  1. Hi Dominik, i hv just bought the Hanna Ph tester HI96107, but do not know to use and also the calibration . Care to share. isit just put the pH pen into the tank and measure or need to calibrate first !
  2. upz for myself.. anyone interested ?
  3. Hi Reefers, I hv never send for service/repair, just upgrade to resun CL650 after the CL450 breakdown, so I do not how much to repair. Just bear in mind, it is a faulty set which can't cool down the water...
  4. Hi all I got one faulty Resun CL450 for sale @S$40.00 only. Any interested party, pls PM me..
  5. Hi dorado, I bought from Hotlemond two months ago, but never use it before due to change plan . To know the useage, pls refer to the link .. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=39253&st=0
  6. Do it come with the liquid or need to buy separately? What's the model, pls Thanks in advance.
  7. Hi dominik, What model is the Hanna pH pen that u bought? What color isit?( red, blue or black).
  8. Hi dominik, Is it easy to use? and also the accuracy? If good, i'll get it 2moro evening since my mother in law stay clementi lor
  9. Hi Spicyball, R u sure all coral for $40 bux only. if true, i willing to pay $50.00 ! no joking, name the place to collect
  10. Hi, Wanted to know whether the Moorish nip Sun coral or not? I just bought the Orange coloured sun coral this evening from LCK, and now i notice that my 5 moorish start to swim near and eyeing the sun. What can i do to prevent this sad story happen !
  11. HI Reefers, I want to buy a pH handheld pen, but do not know which brand to look for ! Anyone can recommend? Most impostant is reliable and accurancy lor. Of couse, price must be reasonable type la
  12. Hi Jamieyys, I hv replied you thru' PM. Upz for my Sale.
  13. I'm looking for Sun Coral, anyone spotted... btw, Any update @ LCK !
  14. Btw, what is the different between ORP, TDS and PH meter? Hope to hear some answers lor.. very blur on this three items.
  15. Hi, Do anyone know what is the use of TDS meter? what can it measure ? pH, NO2....etc Pls enlighten me.
  16. Hi all, Ehiem 1260 for Sale 2400L/H, 3.7m head Selling @S$100 Brought from Raymond one month ago but never used due to change of plan . http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=39253&st=0
  17. Hi, Anyone spotted the Diamond watchman, 2 spot or tiger watchman Goby? I'm interested to get some of them
  18. Hi reefers, Any nice fish, sps or lps at Pasir Ris fishfarm? Think of going down today to look for Moorish and sand sifter gobies (two spot, tiger watchman or diamond watchman) ! Care to update..
  19. Hi, I'm looking for 1.5 ~ 2.5" Moorish. Anyone spotted, i need 6 ~ 8 of them .
  20. Hi Reefers, Do anyone know how to extract the tube worm from the LR? I need to relocated this fellow to my new tank without the LR. How..How..How
  21. Hi all, Anyone spotted Moorish? I want to buy 6 ~8 about 2.5 ~3" Moorish, which can open mouth type ! anyone ? Thanks.
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