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Everything posted by Jameshong

  1. Hi, I'm currently having 2 koralia Nano placed at 2 different side in my RSM tank but I feel that the wave is insufficient so I'm thinking of replace them to one Vortech MP20 to create more stronger wave for my SPS and fishes . I'm afraid my Blasto, mushroom, yuma, RBTA can't take it and flying around the tank...headace leh ! Wat do you think ? Is it advicable? Pls comments. Be it negative or positive . Thanks.
  2. Hi bro ambystoma82, Nvr receive your PM leh ....can PM again?
  3. me too. Wat's the size you are selling and $$$ ???
  4. Hi all, Recieved too many PM liao...i'LL reply one by one. Btw...the fishes are normal black clown, the Female is 3"plus and the male is 2" plus . Sorry if I miss you PM !
  5. Grow too big for my tank liao...so no choice but to let go !
  6. Hi, I have one lime green carpet anemone and a pair of black Clownfish for sale at $40. Both have with me for more than 6 month and this GCA is about 6~7inches when fully open. Collection at WEST. PM me if you r interested.
  7. Any update before GHOST month end ? I'm still lookin for small AT ! No luck to get one since Jan...hopefully can get hold of one this week .
  8. Paiseh..paiseh. ..more info...nanotuners IMHO, Not worth to mod as the cost is too high even do it locally .
  9. Acrylic sheet from DAMA.com.sg. All DIY.
  10. If you can't describle, show picture lor !
  11. Hi Bro, Can show picture of; 1) Aussie acan (5pcs)- $60 each 2) Indo acan (5pcs)- $40~$60
  12. Wat pump(flow rate) and PO4 remover are they?
  13. left one more...but that was 6 days ago so better call them b4 going down !
  14. Bought one from Ah Beng last friday.....and my brain up the lorry after released it to the tank not more than 48 hrs !
  15. Singapore so... small....You will not lost easily la :lol:
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