Hi bro larryng21,
Thanks for your info .
From wat i know, some of the branded LED light sets are using Philips designed luxeon or luxeon K2 LED bulb. The Luxeon K2 come with different type of LED bulb with different colour, watt and wavelength, kelvin... so you have to select those that you required.
RS or Farnell singapore are seling Luxeon K2 (not K2 star) at about 10~12 buck/pc. IMO, mixing of luxeon K2 blue, 470nm and Cool white should be quite good for the coral liao unless you wanted to mix all colour, red, green yellow...( all type of wavelength into one set) and it's possible but it will seem odd when you viewing your tank lor .
Currently, there are no LED lightset in the market can produce all wavelength in one set at one time. Some brand do provide different wavelength, lumen, kelvin but it can't select all in one go instead select that you needed for you specific coral. So the most important is research more and choose the correct LED bulb .