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Everything posted by darkstar

  1. i think you can find dead rocks in many LFS. They just keep it behind only. Spoke to Ah Sam from S**L*** and he said if I engage him to setup a 4 feet tank he will provide me with all the dead rocks. When I asked him how come I cannot find dead rocks he said he keep it at the back (mainly for new setup use).
  2. thanks for the info guys.. I tried the ASM link but they dun ship to singapore. Click around but got a "Sorry destination not valid". Indeed, it seems my choice is pretty limited due to a lack of stocks. H&S seems to be the first choice due to stock availablity. Perhaps I will swing over to Bio Ocean to take a look at the twin beckett(if its still there). Any one knows who carry Deltec APF600? how much? Gaga, you are right, the marine industry here is small. All the more we have to look after each other. And yes, apart from cost, I must know the wattage of the pumps. I pay for the bills... sigh... gone were the days where my dad pays all the bills huh.
  3. hey, keep me posted also. I looking for a top of the range protein skimmer and i know beckett ones produce the most skimate. But I read somewhere that beckett ones very energy consuming(high wattage). Forgot which thread already though.
  4. Hmm... Looks like euroreef is not popular..
  5. yo kyro never fancy the idea of paying by installment. Its endless. Worst still you might get hooked. Plan what to buy, buy what you plan. It's a long term hobby, so take your time to slowly equip and stock up the tank.
  6. indeed, planning is most critical. Never rush into it. I learnt this the hard way also. For my tank, I plan to use about 70-80% dead rocks and using cured LR for the rest. I dun dare to use uncured, scared of the unknown already. Thanks guys for your sharing of info.
  7. ok here it is, I have been hunting around for a good skimmer for my 5ft setup (approx 172gal) with 3ft sump. I wanted to take it slowly but my tank contractor tells me he needs to tailor the sump to fit in my skimmer, so I better give him the dimension soon. I initially wanted a euroreef ES-8 but Parad***Reef say they got no stock, the next delivery will be in Jan/Feb next year. Then I thought of using H&S 150-F2001 though I got mix reviews. Now my tank contractor tells me he can get Aquamedic TurboFlotor 1000 multi for about $680. sigh...i hate it when i am being rushed. anyone knows where i can get euroreef?still my preference..
  8. I have a 2ft tank which I have not change water for about 6mths or so(hell too long I also forgot when). But its only a FOWLR setup with about 5 clowns. But dun follow examples like mine or follow the sales guy. Changing 15-20% water weekly is always the way to go. hands down to all my clowns, really hardy.
  9. Guys, I have been reading quite abit in sgreef and also in reefcentral about using cured/uncured and even dead rocks for filtration. While many advocate using cured LR(more expensive), some advise using uncured ones as there are more variety of bioorganism in the rocks. Then there are also posts on using dead rocks to start the whole cycling of because you never know what might be hidding inside the rocks(worms, mantis shrimps etc).It might be such unknown stuff/organism that might cause havoc in the tank in future. I spoke to a few LFS and they each have their way of starting it off. Sam from S**L*** advocates using dead rocks while Edwin from W*K** uses cured LR. perhaps it boils down to preference huh...?
  10. Has anyone reserve this? How much are you selling it? I am keen.. In the midst of setting up my 5ft tank. A good skimmer like this is hard to come by.
  11. It the DA-500B model right? I am interested. price negotiable? In the midst of setting up my 5ft tank. Contact number? Can view the chiller?
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