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Everything posted by desideria

  1. Nevermind, tomorrow he can shake leg at my house.. take half day la.. I take already.... tonight ketchup no mood to even go play pool, I no mood to go tango dancing.. Just wanna go home and check on our fishes... desi
  2. LOL very easy to spot, talk very loud on their mobiles to let the whole world hear their conversation even when the whole train is quiet in the mornings! But I think after staying here a while, some do tend to behave less "loudly", my ex boss ( whom I get allot VERY well and I do admire her) is a china national and she doesn't seem to yell her head off when she picks up her phone in public. sorry to stereotype but it's the truth... anyway every nationality have their own quirks! We s'pores are KS KS KS KS! desi
  3. WAH biangz.... I don't think I talk as much Ah siangz mind you... LOL... tomorrow I coming from work Justin.. I took half day to join you guys for lunch and then after that i'd just cab it.. or if anyone of you is driving and FREE, can come by my place for kopi... Justin you FREE right? you wanna pop by my humble house for kopi? anyone else is welcome as well. I need some uplifting company after this morning's untimely departure ..... Desi
  4. Same here, the last time my house kept on tripping @ night was when the aircon was on. It turned out there was a electrical ciruict in my condenser unit was screwed ... so I also suspect it's your air con condenser unit that has some electrical fault because i'm sure your tank stuff is also on during the day but no blackout during the day right? Get your air con condensers checked thoroughly. Cheers, Desi
  5. Gosh bino, talking about foreign items, I washed the filter socks in my washing machine, then after it spun dry, I took it out and washed it with water again with my hand thoroughly... then dried it.. THEN Washed it again with water and squeezed it as dry as possible before putting it back to my overflow pipe... I think after 3 washings, all detergent residue should be gone!!!! If I go back tonight to a tank of dead fish.. I will scream.
  6. the rest of the fishes are fine... all cheong for food when I fed this morning, all looked normal... last night when I turn on the blue led, ketchup said the PBT looked funny and was swimming against the wavebox ( but he had done it before so I wasn't too concered) but I thought that's the case for all fishes anyway looking weird under pure blue leds..... and since just 1-2 hours ago it was fine... I didn't think much of it... then this morning... haiz.. well the picture speaks for itself... the powder brown ironically is still alive and swimming peacefully in the sump.. it looks bad but unlike the PBT which is on the floor.. it is still.. upright and swimming.... my first and hopefully LAST mysterious death. Desi
  7. no idea what happened.. I got this fish from LCK 19 days ago and according to the lady there, they had QTed it for 2 weeks already before I bought it .. I didn't ask whether it was hand caught. Next time I will. It is so sudden.... I cannot understand and comprehend... almost walked out of the house to work without getting dressed properly either! Had to SMS my boss and colleagues that I will be late due to fishy emergency. Haiz... sad... at least now it's all alone in a tub on it's own.... and when it goes to fishy heaven, it will be peaceful... I hope... Reef on..... Desi Btw it was the only fish eating the red bamboo I had put in the tank... anyone heard of Red bamboo causing fish death before?!
  8. guys!!!! something weird has happened... last night everything was still status quo... the only thing I added was the LED lights and 2 small pieces of prawn in 2 small bottles to trap crabs/worms which I have done before... and suddenly this morning my Powder Blue looked really weird.... not swimming right... swimming near the surface, when I threw food into the tank during my ritural morning feed, it swam like in a complete blur... I even managed to fish it out no problems with a scoop and put it in a temporary holding tub of my left over replacement water as I made too much for the Saturday waterchange... here's a pic of it.. I think it's dying. I DO not understand!! What happened? I thought they conquored the itch as last night most of the fish were clear even the powder blue... and all were cheonging for food during the final feed at about 830pm last night.. then in 12 hours... THIS Happens?! WWHHHAATTTT!!!!! This is a supreme irony... the powder brown ( Day 19 hunger strike) in the sump is now also displaying the same sort of skin leisions that the powder blue is having and it seems to be more "ALERT" than the currently dying powder blue! ?>!?!!?! desi
  9. Just got ourselves some customised 4 feet blue LEDs to turn on after our main Gisseman lights are out.. here's a pic of it from the top.. ( only 1 strip is on for this pic) PIcs of the Rics with the LEDs on.. THe Sunny with the blue LEDs THe View with the LEDs on The Coco worm spawned again this evening... CHeers, Desi
  10. if I can find live cockles, then I guess no harm trying.... where to get them? Do LFS sell them live? Most of the cockles I see are @ hawker centers for char kway teow! desi.
  11. The words of wisdom from Jacky.. yes he has summed it up : Live within your means. ANYWAY .. alritey... BACK TO FISHY! North side only got petmart and GO.... ;P Desi
  12. shot in the dark... Low cost? Perhaps you should say Budget la.. Desi ps. wanted to say L*n .... but I dun want a warning..
  13. lol From a tank thread become housing/ marriage thread... property and now even CAR Prices will be gonig nutz... my OPC already fly out of window cause @#$@# borneo motors cannot fulfill their end of the bargain so... it's down to the fine print.. they say they tried 5 out of 6 times to get a COE for my car... and now left final try and the COE has shot up.... so realistically speaking I doubt i'd get it although I told the sales guy, fine try the final try.. maybe god of fortune shine down on me.. lol.. If I get, I will buy 4D! And bino, before getting married, best to be financially secure first and always budget.. always plan for buffer and WHAT ifs.. don't over leverage yourself and soemtimes just tell yourself : Be prepared to lose.. then your heart won't be so painful. hah, Cheers, Desi
  14. To check the mouth of large fishes is a probable scenario but for a smaller fish like a tang which is about 4 inches is I think close to impossible without stressing it out...perhaps only when it is DEAD. The times when I do see the mouth up close when it was in the QT and in the betabox .. I don't see anything abnormal. Overall the fish looks healthy, no spot, no swelling.. swims very gently, not agitated at all.. the ONLY thing wrong is that it refuses to eat hence the stomach is sunken in. that's it. Btw Terryz, as mentioned in some other prior post, I have tried every single conceivable known food to reefer-kind, ketchup wants to let nature take it's course .. so .... like that la. guys. Desi
  15. how do you check for parasites in the fish's mouth? Is there actually a WAY? if there is, PLEASE please tell me! I dunno what it's eating honestly... it's skinny like siow.. I throw everythign in at one go, oyster eggs, rotifeast, tiggerpods, Arctipods in my frozen food mixture everyday.. so who knows? Maybe my nutrient rich water DOES Help.... Haiz.. Desi
  16. Hey comycus Yeah I have that too.. Dainichi pellets are in my auto feeder (also have some Grotech pellets in there) which drop everyday at 3pm. LOL manual feeding pellets are Ocean Nutrion Form 1 & 2 and Dr Basslers. in the morning before I run off to work and once again AFTER the forzen food ritual at night about 9pm. Btw, will call you again next time I go Hillview. too bad on sunday we could not admire your tank.. hee hee... I don't regularly go back since no car as my parents would come to me and ketchup instead. Cheers, Desi.
  17. Pearl EYE!!!!! so PREEETTTYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! desi
  18. jacky, remember what ketchp said... 1.5 feet tank can... just add in the 6 feet SUMP!! LOL Desi.
  19. Ah siang... .. as usual has lots of words of wisdom.. compared to everyone else.. but yes, I am feeding pellets ANd flakes AND frozen food soaked in garlic guard everyday... occasionally Dr Bassler's forte pellets and flakes to boost them up... and now also with Vit C supplements although I did read up that once you start on vit C you can't stop so what the hell.. DOSE la! I don't know whether it was timing or whether dosing it really worked but the itch "seemed" to clear up about 4 days after I started squirting it in on a daily basis..... Or maybe it could be because I removed the PBRT from the display to the sump.. so fishes don't get too stressed with a non eating fish. Btw, update on him.. Day 18 and I have yet to see a grain of food pass INTO his mouth... Yeah for THE UV, the flow rate is slow as I connected it to the output pipe of the chilller ( and since now I shifted my chiller OUTSIDE.. the length of pipe leading to the chiller and coming back into my sump is even LONGER and slows down the flow rate even more) and I got the CORALIFE Turbo twist 6X (18W) one meant for 250G tank which i think is just right for my tank size (about 200G). Whether it works or not, I do not know but I guess it just AIDS in killing the bacteria ... hopefully MORE bad ones than good ones but it's a risk I am prepared to take... I just have to remember to turn it off for 24-48 hours everytime I dose my bact! Otherwise throw in, then all DIE.. $$$ fly! Cheers, Desi
  20. i have never heard of live cockles either for tangs well .. you'd never know.. anyway, now the tangs itch seem to have gone away but I know it's in the system all the time..... seems that feeding with Vit C supplements and tons of food seems to work! anyway, the UV is now on 24/7.. hopefully kill SOME Of the bad bacteria... Cheers Desi
  21. not only that, you also have your "holy water" from your tank... lol
  22. Yes I agree on the foie graz.. I remember eating it once many years back and then reading it up on the net how they made it and after that I swore to NEVER TOUCH it again. .. yeah it tastes nice ( I still remember how it is despite being at least 8 years since I actually ate it) but I think we can live without it la. acutally.. wait until you see how they choose chicks from eggs in the chicken factory, I think it will make everyone here think twice before even looking at chicken the same way again... Here's the link for the chicken and eggs.... I couldn't even get pass the first min but I steeled myself to continue... <-- male chicks are killed but female chicks are left to live... Even if you don't stop eating meat, perhaps cut down a bit..... Desi
  23. HEY your eggcrate and PVC pipe is like ours but just that you use your pipes to remove the water from below and mine is to let little critters crawl through! LOL Looking good... and I LIKE the 3 maxspect all lighted up! looks GREAT! Cheers Desi
  24. Hey peter, yeah i'm interested in the RO.DI unit.. I think I saw what you ordered on the marine depot website ....but I will monitor the usage of crystal pro.. if I need to change it soon again, I think I will make the switch as well and sell it off for other peeps with nano tanks rather than keep it. The costs of the catridges are almost SGD65-70 everytime I change and if I need to change every alternate month all 3 cartridges or even just the 2 resin ones (SGD50 for both), it's certainly UNWORTH It.. for the amount of water I need. Do let us know your preview on this product and if you wanna bulk order, put me on the list! Waste water.. i'd use it to mop floor and clean toilet... ;P Cheers, Desi
  25. I didn't think the Crystal Pro would be so jialat and need frequent replacements. The first round of canisters only lasted me about 3 months before I realised the water had gone up Beyond even my tap water! And after I changed the canisters, it took about 12 hours of slow drip before it went back down to zero.... Guess if this carries on of having to change so frequently, I'd be hopping on the bandwagon of RO/DI as well... Desi
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