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Everything posted by desideria

  1. this world cup is super noisy.. I feel for the players and the international visitors.. saw a game when the player say or signaled to the referee... i can't hear you! LOL... some horns are fine.. too much horns and it becomes impossible
  2. peace whoever did this have HAD WAY TOO MUCH REDBULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL so hyper until make all this stuff. lol
  3. blisters and wrinkled hands for the win!!! LOL happy scaping.
  4. ahhhhh much nicer wilson. getting a very japanese bonsai look.
  5. well if you guys want ######.... this weekend there is some promo at the D=link and linksys ###### at the PC fair @ suntec... but I read tha these few are more complicated to install... but then again I could be wrong!! as Jacky did mention that internet reviews and what you experience is completely different...
  6. it's a 2 prong approach .. although viewing the tank was a priority of getting it.. but when I'm overseas I can use it to check my house is ok AND make sure my tank is still running as per normal. LOL just gives me additional peace of mind .. hah... and best is.. I can access this on my IPHONE! so guys, now you know the nanny cam can be used on KIDS , maids.. and now.. FISH! LOL
  7. took some pics of my tank from office using my wireless webcam ... lol. finally managed to get it hooked up after struggling with the singtel mio modem settings for 4 days. First one is before the lights came on... second one with daylight... the blue led is so blue everything turns blue in pictures. at least I know my fishes are alive and well..... picture quality is not that great but good enough to see all swimming around and having fun. LOL
  8. UPZZZ... also updated ... I would like to sell my Giesemann Infiniti Light set : Giesemann INFINITI HQ / T-5 1200 mm / 4 feet which consists of 2 x 250w MH and 4 tubes T5 ( 2 blue and 2 purple). Light set is DIAMOND BLACK METALLIC color It has hit 6 months old as the tank was set up during the 29-30th of December 2009. Used for 5 months and a week before removing. Still under warranty. My photo period was only about 9.5-10 hours for the T5s and the MH is only on for a mere 2.5hours a day so it has not been used very much. More Details can be found on the following website : http://www.giesemann.de/54,2,,.html or you can find the same on Reef Depot's web site. Selling it for SGD1.2K
  9. NNIIICCCCCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2.5 feet... it looks much deeper than that!
  10. THE BIG BANG THEORY FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I won't be trying powders until my next tank which will be in a cuople of years DOWN the road!
  12. LOL Vtec you want, we work something out... , you've seen my setup so you know what it's like...you got my number.. LOL
  13. I don't even want to see... I see and i just wanna cry.... animals are the innocents of this world.. it's we humans who are guilty of abuse and mis-use.. Curse those animal abusers! time for me to cuddle my old hamster again.. god knows when she is gonna cross over the rainbow bridge...
  14. hi all price reduced to SGD1.2K. I just got the ECO Lamp lights and therefore the Gisseman has been used for exactly 5 months and a week before removal. Wiped clean and now wrapped up and in the storeroom. Anyone interested just PM me. Thanks.
  15. LOL Jacky you also kena poisoned at the bedok reservoir LFS ah.. that one broke my record man. hahaha but very swee though.. I see it open up on my frag rack for now.. I very happy.
  16. I very tempted leh.... I had a friend @ work who kept a fresh water one too... she hardly even clean it!!! LOL .... put in some sexy shrimp, 2 little clowns... maybe 1 or 2 rics.. hhmm .. lol
  17. I was at Reborn today getting stuff during lunch time and I saw THIS at their counter .. a small half feet cube with a teeny tiny overflow and a small Dymax LED light! It even has a harlequin shrimp in it! According to Elvin, he had put a pair in there but someone bought it so he put in a single shrimp. There's just some zoos, 2 Rics ( 1 seems rather bleeched), a single clown and a shrimp in there.. There is not much filter media per se but some coral chips and a sponge.. that's about it. It's been like this the past 2 weeks.. just top up with DI water. THE LED isn't powerful enough which is why the zoos aren't doing that well but I guess with this little pico.. can't expect the world... pics taken with iphone so not very clear.. apologies. I am so tempted to buy this for my office.. but then again..... should I.... what do you guys think?
  18. wow naked black clowns.. hahahaahh Bino.. really nice little tank... I likey!!!! the colors are so intense .. great photography skills.. and the clowns are so damn cute!!!!
  19. not sure about phone .. M1 quite ok.. used that for the first 8 years of my mobile phone life.... then I switch to singtel 1.5 years ago and I realise that singetel has better rates especially when I call from overseas since they charge in either per second or 6 second blocks vs M1 which charged by the minute! So I think if purely local calls.. M1 is good enough.. but if you are a travel, then SIngtel is better. Starhub have no experience, but from my gaming friends complaints.. seem that starhub sucks for internet connection... we call it Hub Lag. lol
  20. tried to PM you the price of the setup but couldn't. can't send new msg to u? :P

  21. Hehe.. had fun last nite! finally met up with Peacemaker, Enirem and Amphiron... not to mention contributed to Cedric's frag tank project! Haha!
  22. Cedric, you have made me even more broke ...... your place is equivalent to another LFS !!.... never did I think ;P...... the 2 frags of zoos, I have placed in my tank on the plug holder at a high level... of the tank, will slowly shift down to where all my zoos are and then attach to the rock in the future. Thanks.
  23. your trevallys ( is that what those fish are.. ) are growing damn big man!!!! LOL
  24. WORK FROM HOME!!! Eat snake la u.. HAHAHAHAHAHA so later Simei MRT right? I LOVE COCO WORMS... I must buy more to put around my tank. ahhaha
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