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Everything posted by desideria

  1. WOw PETER!!! SE PEH NICE AH!!! SWEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! desi
  2. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA I like this statement...no wait.. ham sum or ham sup? lol Desi
  3. Wah I am on skype vid now with Ketchup and we both are going GAGA Over your favias!!!!!!!!! LEMON!!!!!!! Desi
  4. aawww JAcky talk until so poor thing.. pat pat pat... you'd get your tank.. just pysco a bit more... LOL Desi
  5. lemon, really beautiful... my supreme kudos to your wonderous specimen!.... hhhmmm I think I have to put my tomato clown BACK to my sump again it seems if I see anymore aggression.. problem for me is no one at home during the day to monitor, I cheong back to be home before 6.30pm to feed as during the day there is only the auto pellet feeder.. WHY doesn't someone invent an AFFORDABLE cold liquid food auto feeder! At night, I split the frozen food to 2 meal times, once before 7pm and another round about 2 hours later. The fishes all know where to go now when I stand there to slowly pour in the mixture of henry's gourmet, Leslie's ( ketchup) Gourmet, Cycolopleeze, arti pods and Garlic Guard! your rhomboid has a chance to be king, but mine has to contend with the laboutie being about 1.5 times bigger than him... unless I get another rhomboid .... even BIGGer or same size as my laboutie.. hhmm.. oh dear.... no no... I must resist... Should I stop adding in wrasses for a couple of months to let the rhomboid settle down as I know RB is bringing in the lineatus wrasse and that's my next aim.. guess you have poisoned me lemon with your wrasses.. I see the colors, to me, they are swimming flowers... What do you think? BTw Jacky. the tomato clown has some emo attachment for me. It's the FIRST fish I ever got 2 years plus ago and it has been with me through UPs and downs, through all viral outbreaks of my pathetic 2 feet and survived it all... it's super hardy so.. I can't bear to get rid of him. Got heart liow... Desi
  6. LEMON!!!!!!!!I likey!!!! your wrasse is nice... My rhomboid kena bitten at the tail by the usual suspect.. my TOMATO CLOWN!!!! ARUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But still eating and swimming around... I'm praying he will one day stand his ground and FLASH like siow at those naughty fish. Desi
  7. I start FLASHING at you THEN YOU KNOW AH.... dun pray pray... KIKO, FLASH AT YOUR GF more then it will help upz her interest in marine fish.. ok stop stop stop... how's your Rics doing? Open big big or not kiko? Desi.
  8. See she is already helping you out on LFS cheonging trips... slowly slowly .. this is called : Aclimatisation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drip method.. this is over years leh... wah I kena suan here... I didn't even know until I click on kikos thread.. but true.. I got hooked from our little 2 feet and then I got damn fedup with the small setup, want bigger and better stuff so can do more things.. .. good luck there kiko...if she bothers to accompay you, there IS some level of interest there.. just must add more oil to the fire... I KNOW! get more nice nice rics and tell her : Flower garden.. nano also can put. Desi
  9. Jacky's got 2 kids.. so you know the MINIMUM times that ... ahem ahem ahem... cannot say too much otherwise kena banned or warned in SRC.. but AHEM AHEM AHEM.... Desi.
  10. Hey Jacky, thanks for the tea today. I owe you a drink. ;P good luck with your new rockscape and I hope to see you little beauty soon... and I mean the tank.. AND YOUR daughter! Cheers, Desi
  11. Kiko, your GF already follow you to cheong shipment.. NOT BAD LIOW!!! you can start brainwashing from now on..... next time she go on your behalf if you too busy and help you buy... Cheers Desi
  12. clee, I simply cannot imagine your WATER BILL every month!!!! Kudos to you for the passion you have for both marine AND FW! Desi
  13. sometimes it's pretty hard to hantam the RIC colors under sunlight but i guess after awhile, we'd be able to tell through experience and some blind luck.. but I think for me it will be more blind luck!! HAHAHA Water parameters are AOK, I do testing once a week at the moment. THe only thing which is shooting through the roof cause of our daily feedings is nitrates. It's hitting about 25-40ppm right now from the beginning of about 10ppm. I like FAT & HAPPY FISH LA!! Anyway, spent allot liow on fishy this month.. must stop for a while.. ( if we can tah han)... unless see something which is GIAN-worthy! LOL. See you guys soon at the next cheong shipment session. Desi BTw wilson, our resources are joined... his money is my money.. and to be FAIR... my money also his money la...
  14. I think wilson's ric plateau is more swoon and bow worthy.. I see my eyes go big big!!!!!! GA GA!!! <- Lady Gaga's bad romance plays in the background... Desi
  15. Hahah no wilson, ketchup was never @ AMEX.. LOL HAHAHAHAHA wah but it would rather funny if he really ended up being your boss. LOL sigh, thanks for the condolences.. still feel a little heart pain.. it's not JUST about the money.. it's a very beautiful fish. Nah, not interested in purple tangs... And no , we weren't at the Rics GREAT singapore sale @ Irwarna yesterday. I just spent allot getting RIcs elsewhere and so decided to spend money on fishys instead.. Just for you, here are tank shots from all 3 sides of our tank which I JUST TOOK THe front facing main door The side facing room coridor The side facing window, sofa CHeers, Desi
  16. ok here's some pics of RIcs since we are all ric crazy now... not very well taken since it's taken by ME. Under MH Under Atinics Caught my algae blenny posing with the magnet cleaner.. Ketchup caught some nice shots of our rhomboid Cheers. Desi
  17. Dachie... your laboutie uplorry, my flame uplorry.. ketchup even more sad, never EVEN see a fin of the flame wrasse.. only through the few pics I took.... DIE liow.. only see the rotting body.. which by now is 90% gone... damn fast..... ;p haiz.. sad sad club ... haiz... anyway, hahah lemon... well, you were kind enough to let me know about the rhomboid not having the potential to show the colors as we all see on the internet since the net usually shows the BEST ones.. but ok la... As long as the fish is healthy and swimming and eats EVERYTHING.. I'm alright with it.. even if it doesn't turn full male, it's fine with me. WE just did about 150L or so water change trying to bring down the nitrates.. feed like crazy so our fishes are nice and fat.. our nitrates shoot up to 25ppm or even more. Cheers, Desi <-- still a leetle sad.
  18. NICE ONE WILSON!!!!!!!! I likey.. gonna take pics of my ric rocks too. Cheers Desi
  19. Cheong down to Irwarna after Justin call me to say still got rhomboid.. so here is presenting my catch of the month.. <-- this is the best pic I could get of the fella.. too small .. and feeding everything, flakes, pellets.. whatever I throw in.. I hope and cross fingers it survives... I got a Flame Wrasse as well.. however.. sad to say, I found it decomposing this morning in a rock crevice. Ketchup simply could not get it out so we have no choice but to leave it in there as I can't move the rock either as it's a supporting rock... so here is a pic of it memory... good bye wrasse.. Also got a strawberry crab... Lemon and justin told me how fantastic algae eaters they are.. so i thought WNY NOT Crossing fingers now for my rhomboid.... The flame wrasse adds on to my list of dead livestock for this tank the past 2 months.. ARUGH. Just sad that such a beautiful fish would die. It was feeding yesterday but it wasn't swimming very well initially and it only began to swim more bravely after a couple of hours along with the rhomboid so I though the initial inertia was due to stress. My only conclusion is that it was already weak when I got it.... Desi
  20. nice meeting you lemon lemon. Hahaha finally see the all knowing young man of SRC. Haiz.. I got sad story to tell... and it's not the rhomboid... Desi
  21. sigh I couldn't stay on for the Ric shipment.. otherwise maybe I become really like girl @ singapore Sale liow..... ;p nice catch kiko!!!! ;p Cheers, Desi
  22. LOL we in singapore have RIC fever.. in the states it's YUMA fever. LOL Nice catch Justin and thanks for calling me for the rhomboid. hee hee.. Cheers, Desi
  23. 2#$@#@$%@#$!@#!@#!$$@# U! more like everytime ask you to help me do something I LAGI want to jump out of window! Desi
  24. YOu STAY NEAR US!!! we are opposite YCK MRT!!!!!!!!! Are you staying at those houses along Jln Kayu or in lentor?! Desi!
  25. BUGIS GOOD!! I work @ Parkview Square opposite bugis junction, got MOF, GOt that dunno what jap restaurant opposite Adidas, Sakae Sushi, Macdonalds, thai restaurant, etc etc... we can swop fishy stories! Cheers, Desi
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