Hello guys,
this is the first time I'm trying a Marine PICO tank.. and in office.. SO within 2-3 days of getting my boss's permission of putting in a tank ( he knows i am fishy mad), I got myself a Dymax IQ5 13L acrylic tank setup from PetMart in Sereangoon.
I bought live sand and threw in ( although I know it's overkill) a capsule of Prodibiodigest mixed it around. As I have a ready supply of salt water from my 4 footer, I just mixed water from there as well as ready made RO/DI water with salt, and bought a small rock from RB and voila.. I'm up and running my tiny tank! I decided to add in a Tunze Universal Mini Pump to give a bit more current as the output is simply not enough in my personal opinion. At least I can see my corals waving a little rather than still all the time.
The temp in my office for my tank is quite low.. about 24 to 25 degrees. I assume that on weekends it will go up to at most 26-27 degrees in the tank. So.. it ain't so bad.
Here's some pic as of Day 5. LOL