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Everything posted by desideria

  1. hey comycus.. thanks!! NOT BAD NOT BAD.. ;P ahahah the first pic I couldn't even see my godzilla until I looked carefully then AH HAH!!!
  2. nice looking little tank!! I likey!!! pretty and colorful.
  3. Yeah I was told the same thing... Inverter units should not be used for Marine tank chilling purposes because the inverter unit ( if I recall what my installer told me) is meant to help cut down on electricity when the temperature has been reached ( say you set at 26 degrees to cool a room..) and so the condenser unit is still running continuously to have cold air being blown into the room whereas for a marine tank, the condenser should shut off once the temperature has been reached rather than constantly running. that's my layman's way of explaining.
  4. I thought they were Narsarrious snails.. but their shells don't seem very narsi like to me... ;P they don't look the fish eating type but perhaps other reefers with more knowledge should know. Usually when I buy sand shifting snails, ask for Narsi Snails.
  5. super sunny! super sunny! super sunny!!!!!!

  6. MOre Super Sunnies from Irwarna.. got 2 colonies today.... so many.. so little moola to buy..
  7. Just came back from IRwarna.. the US zoos haven't really opened yet but from the looks of it mostly eagles eyes... also. ALLOT Of super suns!!! So super sunny people.. go GET THEM!
  8. WOW your clam open big big!!!!!!! WOW a wonderful colorful little tank you got there
  9. looking good. love the super suns.
  11. colleague who is a grassroots leader said to me I should contest in next election, I stomped feet and said "Minister of Transport!" since i'm taking photos of the MRT every morn.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RedStar


      Buy lots of Kate Spades

    3. cedricang


      WE the netizen of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united STOMPER, regardless of FT, MRT and HDB, to build a GRC society, base on FEAR and THREATENING, so as to achieve INDISPENSABLE, UNACCOUNTABLE and MILLIONAIRE MINISTER for our nation ^^'

    4. tunicate


      hormat senjata!

  12. I don't think your skimmer output should be submerged in water as it may not allow the water to flow "through".. I don't know how to phrase myself right but this is my own personal point of view. perhaps other more experienced reefers can weigh in Not to sure on the chilling abilities of a Resun CL650 but I have a feeling it's probably underpowered for your tank.... remember how my own Arctica 1/4 HP took 1.5hour ( on bad days) to chill down 0.6 degrees and I think our system size is relatively the same minus 50-70L , be prepared for more heat. Especially with the weather nowadays getting CRAZY. Instead of putting the UV before the chiller, why not hook up the UV after your chiller instead.. i.e hook it up to the chiller output... so the water would have slowed down already after being cooled by the chiller? You can try the fan but it's merely circulating the warm air in the cabinet or warming up your living room. You have to live with the heat in one way or another as I think there is no window nearby for you to direct the heat out? good luck ignatious and I hope you resolve your issues!
  13. LOL I KNOW!!!!!!!! now have teeny tiny algae blenny to munch munch.
  14. UPdate of my pico in office.. after much Searching.. finally found a small algae blenny to help munch on the copious amounts of algae.. and this morning the little one is already doing it's work munching on the rocks! trying this small long tentacle plate coral.. will monitor it's progress in my Pico, if it doesn't respond well to the environment, I' will shift it to my 4 footer back home.
  15. very nice looking tank!!! your montis and SPS is really nice. great work!
  16. nice nice.. very pretty little flame angel.
  17. wah mengyang... looking goodddd.... very colorful and are those red zoos at the bottom of your tank.. wah biangz.... they ARE HUGE..
  18. I agree that everybody should help themselves out and not depend on handouts. I, and most reasonable Singaporeans certainly do not want a society whereby the jobless are picky or the poor don't bother to work and become reliant on handouts or go around with the notion that the government will and is obligated to feed them using tax payer's money. What all of us feel is that the Ex government ( since parliament is dissolved and results out tonight) here has totally alienated themselves from the ground up and when people raise issues the general impression to everyone is that it is always brushed off or we feel "why bother, they don't listen anyway"....which reflects their holier than thou attitude. The environment is such that even when people spend hard earned money to improve their education level or work hard, the costs of living rise and with far more competition from foreigners who are willing to accept less pay ( employment passes and work permits seem to be of no issue).... the poor get squeezed, they can't get out of their situation... the FTs don't have a mortgage hanging over their heads and most of them share a flat or room rent with a few fellow FTs as well so their costs are lower... and that's just the tip of the iceberg of a very sensitive issue. We are not an anti immigration country and most singaporeans are reasonable enough to acknowledge that FT is GOOD but how MANY must there be And why so easy to get in? PR/Citizenship is another thorny issue. Seems so easy mainly because there are no clear guidelines as to how someone can earn their stripes in Singapore. Perhaps in this sense the singapore government should look to Australia and their immigration PR/Citizenship criteria to get some idea how to move forward. Money talks.. yes that we all know.. but there's a limit as to how far a government can run a Country like a corporation and when it should show more compassion and heart to it's policies. My personal opinion is that the Corporation GDP KPI way of running a country has gone too far. There is an immense sense of unfairness on the ground. The poor get poorer ( even when they put in the effort to work hard and try to get out of the endless cycle, they are stuck with little help much less with a the minister in charge who asks whether the 3 meals a day be at a hawker center, cafe or restaurant ) and the rich get richer. We do our part but when you're treated or FEEL as though we are 2nd class citizens in one's own country then something is surely very wrong.
  19. Cedric say don't bring wallet to his place..... however I still have to do internet transfer when I get home!!!! LOL Beautiful zoos cedric......
  20. welcome back ignatious... that was fast, you came my house to bring me the zoos, and now you got your 4 footer!! wootzy man!!! WAY TO GO... can't wait for you to start stocking up in a months time.
  21. After almost a month away and coming back once every 2 weeks for a MAJOR 50% WC each time, my PIco has survived ... thanks to my team mate for doing top ups and feeding my one and only fish. Can't find my pom pom crab but other than that my snails and lone fish is alive! Top down shot can see the Rics on the sand.
  22. the last shipments of supersuns was about a year ago if I am not mistaken so the prices now have gone up up and up.. go check out at irwarna but be prepared to pay about triple your price range. good luck
  23. wow Terryz... next time if I ever redo my tank.. can I hire you to help me scape? LOL VERY NICE. I can't wait to see it filled with beauties!
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