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Everything posted by RedStar

  1. Haha ya lor... the cucumber likes to be in the limelight as well... Hopefully will be able to find a few more great looking zoas...
  2. Mini zoas garden that Im creating... The cucumber not included in the garden... keep disturbing the zoas...
  3. Same zoas under different light....
  4. Zoas that I added this morning...
  5. Hi just to check, by filling the sand bed with corals, wont it be very difficult to clean the inside of the glass near the corals? cos for me, i have to leave a 2 inch space for the magnet cleaner to go past...
  6. Hmmm, thats a interesting clown fish... I thought mine was weird laying on its side sleeping, but yours is better...
  7. Haha, taking afternoon nap maybe....
  8. Hi, I use the Eheim auto feeder when i was away for 2 weeks. it served me well...
  9. Hi, would like to ask reefers here what you think of a 2ft MH/T5 fixture for a 3ft by 2ft by 2.5ft(depth) tank. Am thinking of using 1x250MH/4xT5 conbination. Keeping just LPS. Any advice?
  10. mine does the same thing as well when sleeping at nite. And laying on its side not moving till next morning....
  11. Hi reefers, just want to check if anyone experience rattling noise on the tunze 6045? Mine is 5 months old and its making some rattling noise. Have taken out the pump and cleaned it thoroughly but the problem still exist. I have 2 pumps, but only 1 is making the noise.
  12. Thanks bro, the colour looks brighter on the real thing, maybe its a little shy when this shot was taken... haha
  13. hi bro, would like to buy the zoas, able to pm me the price u looking for?
  14. A new addition that I got from Iwarna this morning....
  15. I may be wrong but I doubt it can last a week in a container. Max maybe 1 or 2 days.... Btw, I think this should go under General Reefkeeping..???
  16. use a lower powered pump. brown in colour is normal in the begining, just trottle the pump till u see the rowa bubbling. after a couple of hours, the water outlet would be clear...
  17. A new addition from iwarna shipment...
  18. Any bros here using auto feeders for 'wet' foods? Cos am feeding with live pytoplankton. Any good and reliable brand of feeders?
  19. haha, still new bro, coming to 4 months only... maybe will want to try SPS at the end of the year...
  20. Hi Bro, i dun have calcium and kawa reactor. Im just running a skimmer and FR with Rowaphos. Dun really know what the other reactor is for now, maybe when im more experienced and learned abit more abt their usage then will probably give it a try..
  21. Lights just came on so took this pic... Cant seem to get good shots of some of my corals...
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