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Everything posted by ranchuboy

  1. That is indeed good news ! Will be a big lost to the reefing community if you had not been able to save them. You have one of the best collections of SPS here. Therefore it makes sense to share some of your frags. That way you can always buy back what you have lost.
  2. Tangs are like sheeps of the ocean, they need to graze throughout the day. A tank full of algae is a major contributing factor to the success of this fish. I am not surprise their nutrients are very high. The fish has adapted to the high nutrient level.
  3. What you are experiencing appears to be a second wave of ich. The second wave is typically more severe. It is very unlikely your Red bamboo is the culprit. The Powder Blue Tang is one of the most difficult Tang to keep alive. It is not uncommon to hear this Tang dying for no rhyme or reason. I had gone through at least 10 Powder Blues before finally getting one that can survive beyond 1 month. My current Powder Blue is now into its 9th month with me. Even now, it is the first fish I looked for when I wakes up. If you go to www.wetwebmedia.com, they will advise you to leave the Powder Blue in the ocean. Unfortunately, this fish is too gorgeous and too cheap to be left in the ocean. If you are like me, die die must have this fish, I suggest you buy it from those reefers who are selling from time to time. Another success factor for keeping this fish is your tank should be mature for at least a year. Lastly, all Powder series must be quarantine for at least 1 month. Throwing it into your display tank from day one is like playing Russian Roulette. The worst thing is when it goes, it likes to bring along all its friends. Advise of the day: Quarantine, Quarantine, Quarantine followed by Patience, Patience and more Patience. Cheers.
  4. This fish reminds me of a 5 inches Majestic Angel I once had. Healthy as a fiddle when it first arrived but absolutely refused to eat. It lasted about 30 days. When it finally boarded the lorry, it was paper thin. So you can expect your Tang to stick around for at least another 2 weeks. Next time, look for a small 2 to 2.5 inches Powder Brown if you still want to try. They are easier to feed.
  5. Euthanising the fish will be the most humane way to go sis. In my opinion you are probably doing the poor fish a big favour. Most of us have our fair share of witnessing our favourite fish waste away before our very eyes. I strongly advise you to fish him out before he goes to some difficult to reach corner and died. I recently had a 4 inches Sohal Tang (with me for over a year) going mia somewhere inside my rockscape. Like you I was hoping for a miracle therefore did not fish him out when I had the chance. Lucky for me, my tank is mature enough to handle the nutrient spike. Anyway, there are still many fishes out there for you to love. Go get them girl ...
  6. Looks like Red People Eater to me. Give it high light and the red face and skirt will colour up.
  7. You can call Auntie at Iwarna. She can order for you from local source. Very stable. Bought from her the last time at 1.2 red note (size about 1 inches).
  8. Bid is now closed. Congratulation to Night_Owl36.
  9. Purple Zoas for bid. About 40+ polyps on 3.5 inches LR. ID as Purple Goblin by FragFrenzy.com. This piece needs strong light to bring out the intense purple colour. Starting bid price is $10. Minimum bid $1 Bid closes on Monday 1 Mar 2010, 22:00 hours SRC clock Bidding by PM will not be accepted. Colllection in the East. This is the Bid Item This is the mother colony This is a close-up picture from FragFrenzy.com
  10. I have 2 frags of a single polyp to let go at $8 each. The polyp is the size of a 50 cents coin. Collection is in the East. Interested please PM me. Please indicate Frag 1 or 2 to avoid confusion. Sorry for the poor picture quality. Frag 1 Yuma is in the center just above the red mushroom Frag 2 Yuma is in the center just above the green zoas
  11. Bid is now closed. The closing price is $20. Congratulation to the winner of this bid, bro Clee123. A big thank you to all the participants of this bid.
  12. A very nice piece. A fairly easy SPS and fast grower (for me at least). If you are there, look for his orange Digitata. It is absolutely stunniing.
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