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Everything posted by Ketchup

  1. New? Can get from petmart at Serangoon.. IQ5 is i think 85, IQ3 not so sure, prob around 60 ba..
  2. Ken... i think desi is interested in keeping in her pico.. any photos?
  3. poomoon, Desi is on half day leave and prob wont reply you.. Anyway, dimensions i think is 275mm(L)x223mm(W)x295mm(H). The filter media chamber is not very big but after emptying it, we managed to put in 1 kg pack of chemipure, top with some white sponge.
  4. U forget to mention the mystery reefer who bought the same thing...
  5. Don't think so.. haven't see any for a while... best bet is LCK and they also never bring in
  6. I saw a rhomboid at RD, not sure if they selling though... flame wrasse i think iwarna/ah beng may still have
  7. Bkburger.. how big is your tank? I have a very healthy tomato clownfish that i don't mind give away provided your tank is big enough, at least 4 ft or more. The reason is the clownfish is already almost 3-4 inches (adult size) and getting quite aggressive so need space and fishes that can stand up to him like Tangs etc.
  8. actually DSLR not easy to use to take good pic.. i think compact with underwater function better... get wet and no worries.
  9. I think if you keep going Dr Ang's place, very soon you will be in Mt Everest... Our SPS is mainly frags from other reefers.. bought 3 from AM to try since only S$60 but my main purpose is actually some space for the clown gobyies to hide and rest/perch. So far so good and the clown gobies already hide there sometimes.
  10. ya, confirm is nassarius snail eggs... my tank has it all the time:)
  11. All sands will have this problem.. u can wash them before you put in but then u lost all the good stuffs in your livesand so just bear with it. The cloudiness will clear.
  12. AM i think have Philippines shipment last night but not sure what... was told its mainly fishes.
  13. Somehow you feel lighter despite carrying loads of water. --- think it's the wallet lightening effect voodoo Dr Ang casted on you...
  14. for filtration purposes, prob the flores island or the flat type is better.. Bigger surface area and more porous the rock is, the better... but honestly, most will just choose whichever that is best for scaping and sticking corals and look nice
  15. Hi Kenmore, thanks.. will try and go down take a look. RB has some harlequin shrimps if anyone is interested.
  16. Hi Dreamlover, what are you looking for in rainbow btw? If anyone see pom pom crab or paired shrimp/goby, please let me or desi know. thanks:)
  17. Dr Ang, if not we play Wii Table Tennis for frags la...
  18. no la... just "bioing" Dr Ang's gems in the tank... HAHA!
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