Yes, we are aware of the benefits of QT and problem with ich and velvet as it happened to us on our 2 ft before and only the tomato clown and boxer shrimp survives..
Usually we will try and QT the fishes.. the PBrT was QT for about 2 weeks. The PBT was not QT becos we purchase both the PBT and PBrT so we do not want to stress the 2 fishes by putting both in QT. Also, the PBT was already with the LFS for 2 weeks and feeding well..
Well, i still think luck is a key element... but we will try and take any necessary precaution...
I think i won't try PBrT anymore since my 1st choice is always PBT so if we try again, it will be PBT and maybe AT if our tank is mature and everything stablised.